Biodiversity, NCRIS, Data, Australia, Collections, Species, Network

Welcome to the Atlas of Living Australia

The Atlas of Living Australia is a five-year project funded under the Australian Government's National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

Its mission is to develop a biodiversity data management system which will link Australia’s biological knowledge with its scientific and agricultural reference collections and other custodians of biological information.

This system should be:

  • Authoritative - guiding users to the most relevant data resources and well-researched information for each species
  • Freely accessible - delivering services, tools and content for free use by all
  • Distributed and federated - integrating existing systems and networks to bring together the most current and complete content

The project aims:

  • To integrate information on all Australian species, including data on specimens held by Australia’s natural history collections and data from field observations of living organisms
  • To support the management and integration of biological data from all areas of research (molecular to ecological)
  • To develop search interfaces and web services to facilitate discovery of biological information resources and to support the use of biological data in scientific research, policy-making and education
  • To ensure that data relating to Australian organisms is well-managed for present needs and organised to meet future information requirements

Please email us if you would like to receive messages on the progress of the project.

Grevillea magnifica

Grevillea magnifica, South Australia - Photograph © M.Fagg, ANBG


The Atlas of Living Australia is a partnership between:

  • The Australian Museum
  • Museum Victoria
  • Queensland Museum
  • The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
  • Southern Cross University
  • The University of Adelaide
  • The Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria
  • The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

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