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Members Only Access

Welcome AHS Members!  

The Members Only area of the AHS website gives members quick and easy access to issues of The American Gardener, the list of Reciprocal Admissions Program (RAP) gardens and arboreta, flower and garden shows that offer discounted or free admission for AHS members, the annual Seed Exchange, and membership renewal, as well as special discounts on gardening products.

To log in to the members only area, click the button above. The username is ahs. The password, which changes at the beginning of every year,can be found on the bottom right corner of page 4 of your current issue of The American Gardener.

If you would like the password emailed to you, please send an e-mail with the subject line "password" to Be sure to include your member number in the e-mail for verification.

Not yet a member? Click here to join!


We have had some report that there could be problems with Internet Explorer 7.0 Web Browser especially when using the Windows Vista Operating System.  Here are 2 options you can try if you are not able to log into the members only area and you are using Internet Explorer 7.0 Web Browser.

First check to make sure you are using Internet Explorer 7.0 We Browser by following these steps:

  • Click on "Help" in the Toolbar at the top of the screen.
  • Click on "About Internet Explorer".
  • It should display a window that shows which version of Internet Explorer you are using.
  • Click "Ok" to close the window.

Option 1:

  • Open IE 7.0 Web Bowser
  • Click on "Tools" in the Toolbar at the top of the screen.
  • Click on "Internet Options" (a new window will appear)
  • Click on the "Security" tab
  • Click on the green "Trusted Sites" checkmark
  • Click on the "Sites" Button
  • In the box that says "Add this website to the zone" enter the following: *
  • Remove the check mark in the box that says: "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone."
  • Click the "Close" button
  • Click the "Ok" button - the window will disappear.
  • Try to log in.
  • Remember the login is case sensitive and everything is lowercase letters.
  • If this does not solve the problem, try option 2.

Option 2:

  • Open IE 7.0 Web Bowser
  • Click on Tools in the Toolbar
  • Click on Internet Options (a new window will appear)
  • In the Browsing History section Click on "Delete"
  • In the Cookies section click on "Delete Cookies"
    You will be asked if you wish to delete all cookies in the temporary Internet files folder. Select "Yes".  This remove things the browser may remember such as old passwords and clears its memory.  It will not hurt your computer.  At worst you may have to reenter a username and password in some sites for which you have usernames and passwords
  • Close the "Delete browsing History Window"
  • Close Internet Options window and try to log in.
  • Remember the login is case sensitive and everything is lowercase letters.
  • If this does not solve the problem please click here and tell us what is happening.

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