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Providing grant information to current and prospective HHS grantees

View Grants By Recipient Class
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This report shows the number of mandatory and discretionary grants and their associated dollar values organized by the recipient class. HHS has recognized 16 recipient classes, which include the Federal government, State, city, and county governments, foreign and domestic businesses, and individuals.

  • City Government
  • County Government
  • Federal Government
  • Foreign Non-Profit Organization
  • Foreign Profit Organization
  • Individual
  • International (U.S. & Foreign OR Two/More Foreign Organizations)
  • Interstate Government Affiliated Organizations
  • Non-Profit Private Non-Government Organizations
  • Non-Profit Public Non-Government Organizations
  • Other (Towns, Villages, American Indian Tribes)
  • Private Profit ( Large Business ) Organizations
  • Private Profit ( Small Business ) Organizations
  • Special Unit of Government
  • Sponsored Organizations
  • State Government


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