[Image Graphic]: Fire Program Analysis logo

Fire Program Analysis

Welcome to the information site for the Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System.

Bureau of Indian Affairs logo
Bureau of Land Management logo
Fish and Wildlife Service logo
National Park Service logo
Forest Service logo
The National Assocation of State Foresters logo

The FPA User Guide is a work in progress. As chapters are completed they will be added.

User Guide


Getting Started with FPA User Interface

Logging Onto FPA

Select Team and Analysis

FPA Procedures

Set Up FPU

FPU Attributes
FPU Agencies
Define team

Input Data

Define Resources (revised 11/12/2008)
Define Dispatch Locations (revised 11/19/2008)


Dispatch Associations
Dispatch Logic (revised 11/12/2008)
Define Delays (revised 11/12/2008)
Attributes (revised 11/24/2008)



Preparedness Option

Prevention Option (revised 2/26/2009)

Fuels Options