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Diversity Committee

Diversity of all kinds within the ASEH is crucial for the continued relevance and vitality of both the ASEH as an institution and our work as scholars and teachers of environmental history.  The ASEH and its programs should embrace and reflect the rich diversity of contemporary society.  Toward this end, the Diversity Committee is dedicated to raising awareness of diversity issues and building diversity within the ASEH and in the field of environmental history.  Through a variety of projects and initiatives, the Committee will work to attract students and scholars of diverse backgrounds to the study of environmental history, ensure that the ASEH is an inclusive and welcoming organization for a diverse range of participants, and encourage scholarship and teaching on diversity issues within the field of environmental history.

William Tsutsui, University of Kansas, Chair

Lisa Mighetto, University of Washington - Tacoma

Coll Thrush, University of British Columbia

Garrit Voggesser, National Wildlife Federation