
Seed sleuth on hunt for daily, eternal bread

Dr Ken Street … on expedition in Armenia.

Dr Ken Street … on expedition in Armenia.
Photo: Brad Collis

Daniel Lewis
August 7, 2007

LIKE an agricultural Indiana Jones, Ken Street searches the cradle of civilisation for ancient treasures that can help feed the modern world.

From his base in the Syrian city of Aleppo, the 44-year-old Australian roams the wilds of places like Armenia and Tajikistan looking for the ancestors of modern cereal crops before they become extinct.

He is racing to help build a global genetic Noah's Ark, despite dangerous mountain roads, lawless valleys, bandits, war zones and landmines.

The Australian grains industry helps fund Dr Street's assignment with the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas because ancient varieties hold unique DNA that can help modern crops increase resistance to enemies like disease, drought, salinity and frost.

Dr Street said the Caucasus and Central Asia were a "hot spot" of genetic diversity where wild plants were first domesticated 10,000 years ago. He has collected 5000 unique seed samples since 1999 and enjoyed several "eureka" moments of discovery, including a famous wheat, thought to be extinct, in a mountain village in Tajikistan.

In Australia, wheat paddocks are monocultures of modern breeds, but in places like Armenia are a "genetic soup".

In Armenia,"in a field of half a hectare I found 34 distinctly different varieties of bread wheat", Dr Street said. "Armenia is where bread wheat evolved originally and it has got all these mountainous little villages that nobody gets to - little genetic islands."

Dr Street is back in Australia to speak at a grains industry conference in Melbourne today.

He wants to encourage a better understanding of the biotechnology needed to make the most of the gene bank.

Dr Street said modern crop varieties were genetically uniform but breeders were reluctant to add useful diversity through traditional breeding techniques "because there's this thing called linkage drag that drags across good stuff, but a whole heap of junk as well".

"We're very excited about the opportunity biotechnology presents because you can very concisely cut out a gene and introduce it … without all that bad linkage drag."

He believes people will be more accepting of genetically modified food when they know more about it. "We have been eating genetically modified organisms for 10,000 years.

"People need to look at the benefits rather than just the potential risks. People need to get behind genetic resource conservation and its use. Without the tools to use this biodiversity we are going to be in a sorry state.

"We have lost something like 80 per cent of our agri-biodiversity in the last 100 years. That's shocking. Let's not lose any more. China used to have 10,000 different forms of wheat. Now they have only got a thousand of those left. It's the same for all of our major crops, fruit and vegetables. Which means that really useful diversity - unique sequences of DNA - have just gone extinct."

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