Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Home Page
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1/28/2009 - Governor Schwarzenegger delivered remarks and participated in a question/answer session at the Sacramento Press Club Luncheon.
Read More About the Sacramento Press Club Luncheon »

State of the State  

Image of the Governor1/28 - Schwarzenegger Administration officials and California Attorney General Jerry Brown held a press conference to announce the filing of a motion to replace the receiver with a special master.
Read More About Motion to End Federal Receivership  »

Image of the Governor1/26 - California has been working for over six years to exercise its right to implement legislation to reduce global warming pollution from all new cars and trucks sold in the state.
1/16Permanent link to video and transcript of What They're Saying, About the Governor's State of the State Address - I thought the tone of the Governor's speech was positive. He's absolutely right. Before we can move on to a positive agenda in California, we need to solve the budget crisis.
Taking Action
Commission on the 21st Century Economy
1/26Permanent link to transcript - A few months ago the Governor joined Speaker Bass and Senate President Pro Tem Steinberg to create a bipartisan Commission on the 21st Century Economy. On Thursday, we held our first meeting in San Diego and discussed the magnitude of the problem.
Link to Maria Shriver's  website