USDA Forest Service

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Research Summaries
The FPL focuses resources in six strategic emphasis areas.
Research In Progress
Partical List of FPL Research. Coming soon-- Summaries of research with which FPL is currently involved.


Research Program Summary
The Forest Products Laboratory focuses attention and resources in six strategic emphasis areas:

bullet icon Conservation of Resources

  • Overcoming technical barriers to recycling postconsumer paper and paperboard into paper, paperboard, and composites
  • Increasing the amount of recovered wood waste used in new structural construction materials
  • Developing advanced high-yield, nonpolluting processing technologies to convert wood into lumber, composites, paper, and paperboard
  • Assessing the effects of increased recycling and advanced conversion technologies on wood supply and demand
  • Assessing the economic impact of new recycling and conversion technologies
  • Increasing the service life of wood and wood-based materials under adverse end-use conditions
  • Lowering costs for constructing and maintaining wood-based housing by increasing the ease of construction, decreasing the need for maintenance, and increasing the performance and durability of wood-based materials

bullet icon Environmental Research

  • Developing nonchlorine bleaching methods for pulp
  • Developing nonsulfur chemical pulping methods to produce high-strength pulp fiber
  • Converting wood to paper and paperboard using environmentally benign biobased processing technologies
  • Using lignocellulosic wood fiber filters to clean contaminated water for watershed restoration, land reclamation, and storm water runoff from point and nonpoint sources
  • Drying and preserving wood using environmentally friendly methods
  • Developing environmentally friendly disposal methods for postconsumer wood treated with creosote, pentachlorophenol, and chromated copper arsenate (CCA)
  • Protecting wood and wood-based materials from decay and insect attack

bullet icon Sustaining Ecosystems

  • Providing utilization options for low-value or underutilized material removed to accomplish forest restoration, reduce fuel loading to prevent catastrophic forest fire, and offset land management costs
  • Working with forest managers to develop options for meeting wood use and forest condition objectives
  • Identifying the roles of fungi and bacteria in forest ecosystems and nutrient recycling of woody material on forest floors

bullet icon Social and Economic Vitality

    Providing value-added opportunities for local development in rural communities
  • Using life-cycle assessment to examine the costs and benefits of wood products and new technologies, from extraction to disposal
  • Assisting wood users in the transition to new kinds of wood raw materials

bullet icon Foundation Research

  • Advancing fundamental wood science that allows new and emerging utilization issues and problems to be addressed efficiently and effectively
  • Understanding cell wall make up and development in wood
  • Investigating the effects of moisture, temperature, and insects on wood and wood-basedmaterial properties
  • Understanding how fungi and bacteria attack and metabolize wood and wood-based materials
  • Improving the science of wood processing and drying
  • Developing performance-based codes and standards for new wood-based materials
  • Developing performance-based design criteria for wood structures
  • Improving the performance of fasteners and adhesive for joining wood and wood-based material

bullet icon Public Service -- Using multiple means to communicate research results to the public:

  • Research publications
  • Technology transfer
  • Technical assistance
  • Cooperative research efforts
  • In-house consultation and identification services
  • Educational outreach
  • Dissemination of information to groups and individuals

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