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Windows Pesticide Screening Tool WIN-PST 3.1


WIN-PST 3.1 Software Download - Released  9-20-08

Instructions for Installing WIN_PST 3.1

WIN-PST 3.1 Soils

WIN-PST 3.1 User Help

Documents Related to WIN-PST 3.1

Pest Management Team Contacts Page

What is WIN-PST?

WIN-PST is a pesticide environmental risk screening tool that NRCS field office conservationists, extension agents, crop consultants, pesticide dealers and producers can use to evaluate the potential for pesticides to move with water and eroded soil/organic matter and affect non-target organisms... More

WIN-PST 3.1 Software

WIN-PST 3.1 has been CCE Certified!  Released 9-20-08

New features of WIN-PST 3.1 include:

  • Improved easy-to-use user interface.
  • Pop-up 'tool tips' that explain columns and functions.
  • Extensive help available via WIN-PST 3.1's  main menu. 
  • Better search functionality for pesticides and soils.
  • Ability to filter out minor soil components by percentage of map unit.
  • Reports are now easier to read and will hold their format.
  • Spot Treatment has been added as new application area.
  • Soil loading times have been greatly improved over version 3.0.

Download  and Installation of WIN-PST 3.1:

Note: It is not necessary to un-install version 3.0 in order to install version 3.1. WIN-PST 3.1 is installed in a separate directory and can exist side-by-side with version 3.0.


Submit a magic ticket to request WIN-PST 3.1 installation. 

For people outside of NRCS:

WIN-PST 3.1 - Alternate Download

Instructions for Installing WIN-PST 3.1:
WIN-PST 3.1 must be installed by an “administrator” on XP and NT platforms.

WIN-PST 3.1 is automatically installed into C:\Program Files\USDA\WIN-PST 3.1 can be accessed through the start menu under “Engineering Applications-> WIN-PST 3.1".  Do not try to install version 3.1 into a different folder path than the default as this may cause WIN-PST 3.1 to fail.

WIN-PST 3.1 Soils
WIN-PST 3.1 takes soils directly from the SSURGO soils database (SSURGO Version 2.1 format).

Within NRCS:
The SSURGO database is either found in Section II of the Field Office Guide or on the 'F:' or 'G:' drives  (e.g., F:\geodata\soils). Some states have placed the SSURGO data in other places. Contact your state's soil, GIS, or ITS staff for the correct drive and folder.

Partners or those without access to network drives:
Users can download the soils data from the Soil Data Mart. The SSURGO database can be placed anywhere on your computer. Make sure that if you have a laptop, that you don’t put it on a remote shared drive that is not available when you are not connected to the LAN (Local Area Network.) For more detailed information on working with Data Mart soils including populating the empty SSURGO template with soils data, see WIN-PST User Help Topic "Databases -> SSURGO Database".

WIN-PST 3.1 User Help:

WIN-PST 3.1 User Help

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Documents Related to WIN-PST 3.1

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