United States
Department of

Committed to the future
of rural communities.

Service Report 22



Directory of Rural—Farmer, Rancher, and Fishery Cooperatives
Katherine C. DeVille and Jacqueline E. Penn
Rural Development Statisticians

This directory contains a listing, by State, of over 1,200 farmer-owned marketing, farm supply, service, fishery, and bargaining cooperatives. The information was collected from every farmer and fishery cooperative that USDA Rural Development’s Cooperative Programs surveys that wished to be in this directory. The information includes the cooperative’s contact information, type of cooperative, and products that they sell. This directory has been updated every four years but now will be updated yearly and revised on our Web page (www.rurdev.usda.gov) whenever information in an individual listing changes.

Keywords: Cooperatives, marketing, farm supply, service, bargaining, directory.

Rural Development Service Report 22
Revised April 2008

Cooperatives are classified according to type. Most are marketing, farm supply, service, bargaining, or a combination. Marketing cooperatives assemble and market commodities produced mostly by their farmer-members and may or may not engage in processing. Farm supply cooperatives purchase and/or manufacture farm production supplies for distribution, mostly to farmer-members. Service cooperatives perform a range of farm production and management-related services, such as ginning, grove care, agronomic services, financial and management consulting, artificial insemination and herd management, transportation, and storage. Bargaining cooperatives negotiate price, quality, and delivery terms with buyers on behalf of their members, but typically do not take title to commodities.

The authors extend their appreciation to the cooperatives that provided the information for this updated report. Readers are to advise us of changes as they occur so the directory can be updated in a timely manner. Updates will be incorporated in our online directory found at this address: www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/pub/sr22.htm. Please call or e-mail your updates to Katherine C. DeVille at (202) 720-1781, katherine.deville@usda.gov, or Jacqueline E. Penn at (202) 720-6082, jacqueline.penn@usda.gov, or fax either at (202) 720-4641.

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