United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Manure Management Planner

Manure Management Planner (MMP) is a Windows-based computer program developed at Purdue University that is used to create manure management plans for crop and animal feeding operations. The user enters information about the operation's fields, crops, storage, animals, and application equipment. MMP helps the user allocate manure (where, when and how much) on a monthly basis for the length of the plan (1-10 years). This allocation process helps determine if the current operation has sufficient crop acreage, seasonal land availability, manure storage capacity, and application equipment to manage the manure produced in an environmentally responsible manner. MMP is also useful for identifying changes that may be needed for a non-sustainable operation to become sustainable, and determine what changes may be needed to keep an operation sustainable if the operation expands. MMP is nationally supported by both USDA-NRCS and EPA for nutrient management planning.

Manure Management Planner (MMP) is free. It can be downloaded from this web site (www.agry.purdue.edu/mmp).

If you have any questions about MMP, please contact Theodis Bunch at 501-210-8904 or e-mail him.

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