Charting a New Course
Community-Supported fishery project may help Maine fishing co-op stay aflot
By Dan Campbell

Farmers, Co-op and Local Food Marketing
By Alan Borst

Feeling the Squeeze
Tomato growers take big hit in food scare
By Stephen Thompson

Dairylea: A Century of Cooperation
Track record shows ability to adapt in tumultuous times

Co-op sets new record for sales, income
Business volum tops $146 billion in 2007

75 Years of Chronicling Coops
Magazine pages reflect co-op progres, challeges, opportunities
By Dan Campbell

Calling All Co-ops!
Co-ops urged to get involved in Co-op Month '08
By Carrisa Heckathorn



On the Cover:
On the cover: Landing a load of shrimp on deck off the coast
of Maine. The Midcoast Fishermen’s Cooperative is adopting
sustainable fishing methods and is shifting its focus from the
commodity seafood market to a brand-name strategy. Photo by
Kim Libby, courtesy Midcoast Fishermen’s Co-op