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What is is a global initiative to enhance sustainable agricultural development and food security by improving the use of information, communication, and associated technologies in the sector. 

The overall aim is to enable members to exchange opinions, experiences, good practices and resources related to e-agriculture, and to ensure that the knowledge created is effectively shared and used worldwide.    more... 


Interviews with mobile phone experts

#1 Christian Kreutz

As follow-up of the Virtual Forum on "Mobile Telephony in Rural Areas"in November, Ms. Anna-Maria Walter had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Christian Kreutz, Subject Matter Expert from the recent Forum. A Consultant, Christian shared his experiences with Anna-Maria, and his vision for the future of ICTs in Rural Development.

To read the full interview click here.  

There are more interviews coming up soon!

The Virtual Forum "Mobile Telephony in Rural Areas": Thank you to the over 150 community members from over 50 countries who participated in this exciting forum 17-28 November 2008!

The forum is over, but the discussion continues!  Due to demand, we will be keeping the forum open, for you to give your opinion on what you feel is your vision for the future of Mobile Telephony in Agriculture Development. Click here for more information.


Stay tuned!

E-Agriculture on Twitter

Our new Twitter account keeps you up to date on activities of the e-Agriculture plattform.

click here 

Upcoming events

28 Jan 09
 - 29 Jan 09
New Delhi, India This event is a joint conference between two e-Infrastructures projects: BELIEF and ... [...]

Mobile Phone Forum

The forum is over, but we still look forward to your input!

Read the SUMMARY OF WEEK I on the forum page. Log in or register to do so.

A POLICY BRIEF about the outcomes of the whole forum will be available soon.


14 Jan 09
 - 14 Jan 09
Bonn, Germany - The International Media Studies Master’s Programme is a 4-semester, full-time programme... [...]


Technology issue *

New Technology Applications - We want you to set the stage for debate: What is the most important technology issue in relation to agriculture and rural development?

Providing telecommunications infrastructure to rural areas.
Investing in computing equipment and facilities (including telecentres).
Developing software and Info applications and systems (early warning, market access or networking platforms).
Developing Telemetry, such as monitoring stations in precision agriculture.

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