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AgriWellness, Inc.

               Building hope and health in the rural agricultural community.             

"I believe that the quality of life begins with the dinner plate.  Food is something that we cannot do without and live.

  Those of us living on agriculturally productive land are fortunate.  Not only can we produce food for our livelihood, we can grow food for our families and ourselves.  At mealtime we often look at the food on the table and see how much was grown on the farm.."                                    David Kline, in “Letter from Larksong,” Farming, Winter 2001



Any contribution you make to AgriWellness is completely tax deductible.  Unless specified otherwise, we will acknowledge all donations in writing.  To donate now, click here.t37 (712) 235-6100right005 Agriwellness,210 7

What Can AgriWellness Do for You?

We want to know! 

Click here to take part in an informal, confidential survey.  All survey respondents will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift card!

AgriWellness Survey

AgriWellness, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, was founded in
2001.  The AgriWellness mission:
promote accessible behavioral
health services for underserved and at-risk populations
affected by rural crisis in agricultural communities

Agricultural work is very stressful, unpredictable and
dangerous for the entire family.  Agricultural workers, including
farmers, ranchers, migrant/seasonal workers, fishers, foresters,
their families and communities dependent upon
agriculture, often find it difficult to obtain behavioral health care they need to deal with these perils.  Behavioral health services such as addictions treatment, mental health therapy and marital and family counseling are often scarce in rural areas

AgriWellness, Inc., works to address the behavioral health care
needs of agricultural populations and communities and to
provide education about these needs.  For more information:

Click here for 2009 Conference Information

Now accepting presentation proposals!

about our programs click here

about available trainings click here

To Contact Us:  AgriWellness, Inc., 1210 7th Street, Suite C,      Harlan, IA 51537                                                                       Phone: (712) 235-6100                                                                Fax:  (712) 235-6105                                                                   Email Us


100© 22005 AgriWellness, Inc. 1210 7th Street, Suite C, Harlan, IA 51537