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Broadband Opportunities for Rural America


Broadband Opportunities

FCC Proceedings Related to Broadband

Satellite Technologies used for Broadband Service

In 2007, the FCC began an inquiry to better understand the behavior of participants in the market for Broadband Services.

 Broadband Market Practices Notice of Inquiry, FCC 07-31 (pdf | Word)

The FCC has also launched a proceeding seeking comment on how the Commission can continue to acquire information on the availability and deployment of broadband services.

 Broadband Data Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (pdf | Word)

Broadband Over Power Lines

The FCC has adopted rules for broadband over power lines to increase competition and promote broadband service to all Americans.

 FCC's BPL Proceeding


In a 2002 Declaratory Ruling, the Commission determined that cable modem service is appropriately classified as an interstate information service under Title I of the Communications Act. In the Declaratory Ruling, the Commission also concluded that cable modem service does not contain a telecommunications service subject to common carrier regulation under Title II of the Communications Act.

 Inquiry Concerning High-Speed Access to the Internet Over Cable and Other Facilities, FCC 02-77 (Word)

DSL and Fiber

The Commission in recent years has taken numerous steps to provide incentives for companies to invest in wireline broadband service by removing unnecessary regulations so that consumers can enjoy the benefits of a competitive marketplace.

 FCC Proceedings Related to Wireline Broadband


The FCC's International Bureau licenses U.S. commercial satellites and satellite earth stations. They provide information on rulemaking proceedings that have, or may in the future, authorize satellite service to rural areas.

 International Bureau's Rural Issues


The FCC has several ongoing proceedings related to wireless broadband services, spectrum, and technology.

 FCC Proceedings Related to Wireless Broadband

Related Proceedings
FCC Proceedings Related to Wireline Broadband
FCC Proceedings Related to Wireless Broadband
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