F Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System n
[Image Graphic]: Fire Program Analysis logo

Fire Program Analysis

Welcome to the information site for the Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System.

Bureau of Indian Affairs logo
Bureau of Land Management logo
Fish and Wildlife Service logo
National Park Service logo
Forest Service logo
The National Assocation of State Foresters logo

FPA Management Advisory team

Dave Henderson BLM District Manager, Vale, Oregon
Ed Cole
Forest Supervisor, Sierra National Forest
Jim Leach FWS Refuge Supervisor,
Minnesota & Wisconsin
Larry Timchak

Forest Supervisor, Caribou-Targhee National Forest

Kathy Davis NPS Superintendent, Montezuma Castle
& Tuzigoot National Monuments
Marsha Kearney SW Regional Director, Fire and Aviation Management
Scott Bradshaw
National Fire Planner, BIA-NIFC
Bonnie Wood FPA Forest Service Business Lead, Co-Chair
Jaymee Fojtik FPA DOI Business Lead,- Co-Chair

Questions and Answers

coming soon