Title: Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains on Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans for Swine

Authors: Teshome Regassa, Extension Water Quality Specialist, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Rick Koelsch, Extension Livestock environment Engineer and Assistant Dean of Extension, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Joel DeRouchey, Extension Livestock and Environmental Management Specialist, Kansas State University

Summary: This publication summarizes the NMP/CNMP changes necessary when distillers grains are included in a swine ration. The publication discusses public policy implications, the need to revisit existing NMP/CNMP, and expected changes in land, labor and equipment need for manure management, and the fertilizer value of manure. Implications to public policy were also assessed.

Resource(s): Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains on Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans for Swine