US National Arboretum


Arboretum Plant Photo Gallery

The U.S. National Arboretum is proud to open this new section of our website.  Here you will find digital images of plants, including notable plants in our gardens and collections as well as some of the most outstanding plants that have been introduced from our research programs.  Please check back often to see what's been added to our digital image library.

Alternating Azalea, Bonzai, Crapemyrtle, and Daylily Photo Gallery Images Our first presentation is a photo gallery illustrating over 150 Award Winning Daylilies grown here on the Arboretum grounds.  To assist you in locating your favorite daylily flower you will find the daylily images listed in three different groups: alphabetically by cultivar name, by flower color, and by their respective award.  Clicking on any thumbnail image in the gallery will take you to a full image page of that daylily.

Our second presentation is a photo gallery containing over 130 images illustrating 29 U.S. National Arboretum Lagerstroemia (crapemyrtle) introductions.  Take a moment to browse these photos of beautiful summer flowers, astounding fall foliage, and the magnificently colored bark of Arboretum crapemyrtle introductions.  Once in the gallery, you can click on any thumbnail image to see an enlarged image in its own pop-up window.

Our third presentation is our photo gallery illustrating 200 images of the flowers of more than 100 of the Glenn Dale azalea varieties.  Whether visiting the U.S. National Arboretum's Azalea Collection is a spring tradition for you or you haven't visited the collection before, we welcome you to come to the U.S. National Arboretum and experience the breathtaking beauty for yourself.  If the azaleas are not in bloom or you can't make the trip, you can see a sampling of the azaleas in this gallery. Once in the gallery, you can click on any thumbnail image to see an enlarged image in its own pop-up window.

Our fourth presentation is our "Arboretum Picture of the Week" section. On May 1, 2003 we started placing a new image on the Arboretum's Front Page and asked the question "Do you know what this is?". You can find this week's answer on this "Picture of the Week" page. You can see all of the images to date on our "Picture of the Week Archive" page.

Our fifth presentation was our "Amaryllis Gallery" section. From December 6, 2003 through Februaruy 1st, 2004 we showcased hundreds of bulbs representing more than fifty cultivars and species in the Administration Building lobby. Browse this gallery of 84 images to see many of those flowering plants that were assembled for the Deck the Halls with Hippeastrum: An Amaryllis Extravaganza exhibit.

Our newest presentation is our Fall Foliage Gallery.  This gallery contains over 80 images of many traditional plants (from Acer to Zelkova) exhibiting their beautiful "Fall Colors".  We also include in this gallery a selected list of those plants that provide colorful autumn foliage, as well as a section describing the "hows and whys" of fall color.  Start your autumn foliage tour here.

Upcoming gallery sections will contain:

Whether you're looking for your favorite plant or just perusing the beautiful images, we hope you enjoy your visit to our Photo Gallery Collections. If you are planning a trip to the Arboretum specifically to see the plants illustrated here, please check our "Hort Hot Spots" and "What's Blooming" pages for the best dates and locations.

Go to:

Award Winning Daylilies Photo Gallery

U.S. National Arboretum Crapemyrtle Introductions Photo Gallery

Glenn Dale Azaleas Photo Gallery

"Picture of the Week" Answer   &   "Picture of the Week Archive"

Amaryllis Photo Gallery

Fall Foliage Photo Gallery

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Last Updated  November 29, 2004 11:14 AM

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