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Food Animal VIP

Food Animal Veterinary Incentive Program (Food Animal VIP)

Up to five entering freshman attending the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are selected annually as part of a specialized program for pre-veterinary medicine students interested in attending the College of Veterinary Medicine and practicing food animal medicine.

The Food Animal VIP is a joint effort between the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) and the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). The goal of the Food Animal VIP is to recruit and train future veterinarians in food animal medicine for under-served communities, central to the future of safe and successful food animal production.  Successful completion of this program will result in admission into the University of Georgia College Of Veterinary Medicine.  Final admission is subject to review by the University of Georgia - College of Veterinary Medicine Admissions Committee. 

Program Objectives:

  • to provide an incentive and a clear academic pathway for students desiring a veterinary career in food animal agriculture
  • to admit up to five Food Animal VIP students each year into the University of Georgia - College of Veterinary Medicine, provided they meet academic standards for acceptance established by the parent programs in the Colleges of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine
  • to devise a plan of academic work, experience, and mentoring in undergraduate studies and veterinary medical education that meets specific needs of animal agriculture
  • to provide a continuous supply of new veterinary graduates with skills, experience and expertise in food animal medicine and management who will immediately be able to provide valuable service to modern animal agriculture and will be prepared to continually grow and improve as health professionals

Program Admissions:

Selection of students into the Food Animal VIP will be made by the CAES in cooperation with the Admissions committee of the CVM. Students must demonstrate a keen interest in and commitment to food animal agriculture/veterinary medicine.

The application process is as follows:

  • Apply for admission to UGA during your senior year in high school. Students are encouraged to apply in the fall.
  • Complete and postmark the Food Animal VIP by February 15 of your senior year in high school. Send your application to:
      • Food Animal VIP
        c/o CAES Academic Affairs
        The University of Georgia
        102 Conner Hall
        Athens, GA 30602-7502
  • Send a copy of your high school transcript with your application.
  • Provide two, unopened letters of support mailed to the above location. One letter must be from a practicing veterinarian.
  • Student finalists will be invited to an on-campus interview by March 1.
  • Notification of program acceptance will be completed by March 15.

    University of Georgia First-Year Admissions
    Download a Food Animal VIP Application (.pdf)

Program Requirements:

The Food Animal VIP is designed primarily for entering UGA freshmen.

  • Students must be a Georgia resident at time of application.
  • Students must demonstrate a keen interest in and commitment to agriculture and food animal veterinary medicine. 
  • Students must major in Animal Science, Avian Biology, Dairy Science, or Poultry Science at UGA and pursue a pre-veterinary science curriculum.
  • Food Animal VIP students are required to complete at least two food animal experiences which must be pre-approved and tracked by their program advisors. Each experience must include at least 300 hours of work and at least one must be under the supervision of a food animal veterinarian. The first experience must be completed by the end of the summer before the undergraduate junior year. The second experience must be completed by the end of the summer before the undergraduate senior year.
  • A student enrolled in the CAES portion of the Food Animal VIP must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.2 to progress satisfactorily. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.2 will be provided academic counseling and tutoring to ensure their academic progress. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be withdrawn from the program.
  • Students must successfully complete all UGA pre-veterinary and major course work with a minimum of 30 semester credits earned for each academic year. Students must achieve a 3.2 cumulative GPA or a combined score of 1200 or greater on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) to be eligible for CVM admission consideration.

Food Animal VIP students will apply to the CVM program through the regular admissions process and will be expected to meet all regular pre-veterinary and application requirements. Acceptance to the CVM is conditional upon satisfactory completion of Food Animal VIP program requirements. Special consideration will be given to the commitment to and potential to contribute to the field of food animal medicine. Letters of recommendation required for the CVM admissions process must include at least one from a practicing food animal veterinarian with whom the Food Animal VIP student worked.

Students not eligible for the Food Animal VIP may apply to the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine through the regular admissions process.

Career Opportunities

Students who complete the Food Animal VIP must declare an area of interest in Food Animal in the CVM and, upon graduation from the CVM, practice food animal medicine. The only area of interest changes that would be allowed are to Mixed Animal, Population Health, Public Health or Public/Corporate Practice. There are many vacancies and numerous career opportunities in all sectors of food animal practice including:

  • mixed animal practice
  • specialty practices in dairy cattle, beef cow-calf, beef feedlots, sheep, poultry and swine
  • public practice including food safety and inspection
  • communicable disease management
  • regulatory veterinary medicine
  • research and teaching careers
  • diagnostic laboratory practice
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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)