Ocean PATHFINDER Products

I. Colinear Sea Surface Height Data

TOPEX/POSEIDON Version 9.0 Release !

Below is a list of various menu items that provide different types of information about the product. Clicking on the menu item will bring you to a general description that pertains to all satellite missions. Below those items are separate links to satellite specific information.

Description : Data description, procedure, formats, etc....

Algorithms : Applied models and corrections.

Status : Status of products, historical info, future plans.

Data Access and Source Code : How to get the data and some code to work with.

Validation : Comparison with respect to tide gauges, statistics ...

Images and Animations

II. Gridded SSH Variations.

Description : Data description, gridding procedures, validation, etc....

Status : Status of products, future plans.

Data Access and Source Code : How to get the grids and some code to work with.

Validation : Comparison of gridded SSH variations with tide gauge network.

Images and Animation: Ten day, monthly and seasonal gridded SSH variations.

We would greatly appreciate any feedback to enhance this product for use by the scientific community.

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While these data sets are in the public domain, we would appreciate it if you would please acknowledge the efforts of the NASA Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Project in any presentations and publications that use them.