US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: How seed orchard culture affects seed quality: experience with the southern pines

Author: Barnett, James P.

Date: 1996

Source: The Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 72, NO. 5

Description: Tree improvement programs have influenced significantly the quality of southern pine seeds produced when compared to collections from native stands. Seed orchard management practices such as fertilization can increase seed size and reduce seed dormancy. These result in the need for less complex pregermination treatments. Repeated cone collections from the same clones facilitate collections according to ripening (cone specific gravity), which can improve seed germination and storage. However, cultural practices may result in seed properties that are more sensitive to damage during processing procedures and result in lower quality unless special care is provided during this stage of handling. The effect of orchard management practices on seed quality also varies by species, with loblolly pine being less affected than longleaf pine.

Keywords: Pinus spp., seed germination, seed dormancy, seed storage, cone maturity

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Barnett, James P.  1996.  How seed orchard culture affects seed quality: experience with the southern pines.   The Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 72, NO. 5

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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