US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Bulk densities of materials from selected pine-site hardwoods

Author: Vidrine, Clyde; Woodson, George E.

Date: 1982

Source: Forest Products Journal 32(7):21-24

Description: Bulk densities of hardwood materials from low and high density species were determined for green and air-dry conditions. Materials consisted of whole-tree chips, bark-free chips, bark as collected from three types of debarkers (ring, rosser head, and drum debarkers) sawdust, planer shavings, flakes, logging residues, baled branchwood, steel-strapped firewood, and technical foliage (leaves with attached stems up to 1/4-in. diameter). Significant increases in bulk densities were achieved with vibration or by compacting the materials with pressure up to 100 psi. Planer shavings increased in bulk density at each level of pressure up to 100 psi but maximum bulk density of other materials was achieved at 50 psi.


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Vidrine, Clyde; Woodson, George E.  1982.  Bulk densities of materials from selected pine-site hardwoods.   Forest Products Journal 32(7):21-24

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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