US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Condensed tannin-sulfonate derivatives in cold-setting wood-laminating adhesives

Author: Kreibich, Roland E.; Hemingway, Richard W.

Date: 1987

Source: Forest Products Journal 37(2):43-46

Description: Extraction of southern pine bark with 4.0 percent sodium sulfite and 0.4-percent sodium carbonate(based on ovendry bark weight) gives epicatechin-(4β)-sulfonate and oligomeric procyanidin-4-sulfonatee that show great promise to replace about 50 percent of the phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde resin in coldsetting wood-laminating adhesives. Bonds in Douglas-fir laminates exceed the minimal shear strength and wood failure requirements of the American Institute of Timber Construction Standards for dry shear (AITC-T107) and vacuum-pressure cold-water soak (AITC-T110) tests.


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Kreibich, Roland E.; Hemingway, Richard W.  1987.  Condensed tannin-sulfonate derivatives in cold-setting wood-laminating adhesives.   Forest Products Journal 37(2):43-46

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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