US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Shaping-lathe headrig now commercially available

Author: Koch, P.

Date: 1975

Source: Southern Lumberman 231(2872):93-97

Description: On September 12, 1975, twenty-five sawmillers from throughout North America watched as a new headrig produced cants of various shapes and a usable residue of flakes from logs of irregular contour. The demonstration at the Stetson-Ross plant in Seattle, Washington, was the unveiling of the commercial model of a design introduced by the Southern Forest Experiment Station 10 years ago.


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Koch, P.  1975.  Shaping-lathe headrig now commercially available.   Southern Lumberman 231(2872):93-97

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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