US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Utilization of forest slash to sequester carbon in loblolly pine plantations in the lower coastal plain

Author: Sanchez, F.; Carter, E.A.; Edwards, W.

Date: 2002

Source: In: Proceedings of the NETL first national conference on Carbon Sequestration. 14-17 May 2001, Washington, DC: 22p. www.netl.doegov/publications/proceedings/01/carbon_seq/p52.pdf (no credit)

Description: Soil-organic matter (SOM) is a complex array of components including soil fauna and flora at different stages of decomposition (Berg et al., 1982). Its concentration in soils can vary from 0.5% in mineral soils to almost 100% in peat soils (Brady, 1974). Organic matter (OM) in the surface mineral soil is considered a major determinant of forest ecosystem productivity because it affects water retention, soil structure, and nutrient cycling (Powers et al., 1990; Paul 199 1). Soil-organic matter is the major source of nitrogen available to plants and contains as much as 65% of the total soil phosphorus (Bauer and Black, 1994).


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Sanchez, F.; Carter, E.A.; Edwards, W.  2002.  Utilization of forest slash to sequester carbon in loblolly pine plantations in the lower coastal plain.   In: Proceedings of the NETL first national conference on Carbon Sequestration. 14-17 May 2001, Washington, DC: 22p. www.netl.doegov/publications/proceedings/01/carbon_seq/p52.pdf (no credit)

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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