US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Economic benefits of reducing fire-related sediment in southwestern fire-prone ecosystems

Author: Loomis, John; Wohlgemuth, Pete; González-Cabán, Armando; English, Donald

Date: 2003

Source: Water Resources Research, Vol. 39, No. 9, 2003

Description: A multiple regression analysis of fire interval and resulting sediment yield (controlling for relief ratio, rainfall, etc.) indicates that reducing the fire interval from the current average 22 years to a prescribed fire interval of 5 years would reduce sediment yield by 2 million cubic meters in the 86.2 square kilometer southern California watershed adjacent to and including the Angeles National Forest. This would have direct cost savings to Los Angeles County Public Works in terms of reduced debris basin clean out of $24 million. The net present values of both 5- and 10-year prescribed fire intervals are positive. However, given other multiple use objectives of the USDA Forest Service, a 10-year prescribed fire interval may be more optimal than a 5-year fire interval.

Keywords: California, erosion, forest fire, national forests, recreation, sediment

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Loomis, John; Wohlgemuth, Pete; González-Cabán, Armando; English, Donald  2003.  Economic benefits of reducing fire-related sediment in southwestern fire-prone ecosystems.   Water Resources Research, Vol. 39, No. 9, 2003

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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