US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Title: Inter- and Intra-Specific Differences in Foliar N Concentrations of Juvenile Loblolly and Slash Pine in North Florida

Author: Xiao, Yu; Jokela, Eric J.; White, Tim L.; Huber, Dudley A.

Date: 2002

Source: In: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-48. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pg. 7-9

Description: Differences in foliar N concentrations among species, families, and clones may contribute to variation in relative growth performance under varying environmental conditions. Only limited information exists regarding the importance of genetic vs. environmental controls on the nutritional characteristics of loblolly and slash pine. Knowledge of these processes may provide a better understanding of growth strategies among pine taxa and aid in selection and breeding of superior genotypes. This paper will summarize the results of a study designed to investigate the effects of taxa, genotype, site and silvicultural treatments on levels of foliar N concentrations over an entire leaf cycle. Three different pine taxa were investigated (genetically improved loblolly pine, genetically improved slash pine and unimproved slash pine) at two locations in north Florida. Each study consisted of two silvicultural treatments (non-intensive, intensive), three complete blocks within each treatment, three taxa, and 16 open-pollinated families within each taxon. In these juvenile (3-4 yr old) stands, loblolly pine was the most productive species. In comparison to improved and unimproved slash pine, loblolly pine consistently maintained 1) higher foliar N concentrations over time; and 2) higher family variations in N concentrations.


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Xiao, Yu; Jokela, Eric J.; White, Tim L.; Huber, Dudley A.  2002.  Inter- and Intra-Specific Differences in Foliar N Concentrations of Juvenile Loblolly and Slash Pine in North Florida.   In: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-48. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pg. 7-9

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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