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Publication Information

Title: The influence of nutrient and water availability on carbohydrate storage in loblolly pine

Author: Ludovici, K.H.; Allen, H.L.; Albaugh, T.J.; Dougherty, P.M.

Date: 2002

Source: Forest Ecology and Management 159 (2002) 261-270

Description: We quantified the effects of nutrient and water availability on monthly whole-tree carbohydrate budgets and determined allocation patterns of storage carbohydrates in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) to test site resource impacts on internal carbon (C) storage. A factorial combination of two nutrient and two irrigation treatments were imposed on a 7-year-old loblolly pine stand in the Sandhills of North Carolina. Monthly collections of foliage, branch, stem, bark, and root tissues were made and total non-structural carbohydrate analyses were performed on samples collected in years 3 and 4 after treatment initiation. Seasonal fluxes of carbohydrates reflected the hypothesized use and storage patterns. Starch concentrations peaked in the spring in all tissues measured; however, minimum concentrations in aboveground tissue occurred in late winter while minimum concentrations in below ground tissue occurred in late fall. Increased nutrient availability generally decreased starch concentrations in current year tissue, while increasing starch in l-year-old woody tissue. Irrigation treatments did not significantly impact carbohydrate flux. The greatest capacity for starch storage was in below ground tissue, accounting for as much as 400 kg C/ha per year, and more than 65% of the total stored starch C pool. The absolute amount of C stored as starch was significantly increased with increased nutrient availability, however, its relative contribution to the total annual C budget was not changed.

Keywords: Nutrient and water availability; Carbohydrate storage; Loblolly pine

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Ludovici, K.H.; Allen, H.L.; Albaugh, T.J.; Dougherty, P.M.  2002.  The influence of nutrient and water availability on carbohydrate storage in loblolly pine.   Forest Ecology and Management 159 (2002) 261-270

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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