US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: The response of sap flow to pulses of rain in a temperate Australian woodland

Author: Zeppel, Melanie; Macinnis-Ng, Catrioina M.O.; Ford, Chelcy R.; Eamus, Derek

Date: 2008

Source:  Plant Soil (2008) 305:121–130

Description: In water-limited systems, pulses of rainfall can trigger a cascade of plant physiological responses. However, the timing and size of the physiological response can vary depending on plant and environmental characteristics, such as rooting depth, plant size, rainfall amount, or antecedent soil moisture. We investigated the influence of pulses of rainfall on the response of sap flow of two dominant evergreen tree species, Eucalyptus crebra (a broadleaf) and Callitris glaucophylla (a needle leaved tree), in a remnant open woodland in eastern Australia.

Keywords: Rain pulses, sap flow, Soil moisture, Threshold-delay model, Transpiration rate

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Zeppel, Melanie; Macinnis-Ng, Catrioina M.O.; Ford, Chelcy R.; Eamus, Derek  2008.  The response of sap flow to pulses of rain in a temperate Australian woodland.   Plant Soil (2008) 305:121–130

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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