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Southern Research Station


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Title: Modeling corewood-outerwood transition in loblolly pine using wood specific gravity

Author: Mora, Christian R.; Allen, H. Lee; Daniels, Richard F.; Clark, Alexander

Date: 2007

Source: Can. J. For. Res., Vol. 37: 999-1011

Description: A modified logistic function was used for modeling specific-gravity profiles obtained from X-ray densitometry analysis in 675 loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees in four regeneration trials. Trees were 21 or 22 years old at the time of the study. The function was used for demarcating corewood, transitional, and outerwood zones. Site and silvicultural effects were incorporated into the model. Heteroscedasticity and within-group correlation were accounted for by specifying the variance and serial-correlation structure, respectively. The estimated transition zone was located between rings 5 and 15, and the outerwood demarcation point varied from rings 12 to 15. No effects of treatments on the demarcation points were observed; however, site preparation and fertilization affected the lower asymptotes of the curves in all sites. A geographical trend for the demarcation point was observed, with the northern site requiring more time to reach a plateau in specific gravity compared with the southern sites. The diameter of the juvenile core was increased as a result of the treatments. However, the amount of corewood was not statistically affected, zanging from 55% in the north to 75% in the south, except at one site where fertilization decreased the percentage of corewood.


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Mora, Christian R.; Allen, H. Lee; Daniels, Richard F.; Clark, Alexander  2007.  Modeling corewood-outerwood transition in loblolly pine using wood specific gravity.   Can. J. For. Res., Vol. 37: 999-1011

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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