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Publication Information

Title: List of invasive plants by cultural use categories

Author: Miller, James H.; Loewenstein, Nancy J.; Hansen, Curtis J.

Date: 2006

Source: Wildland Weeds: 15-17

Description: Shortly after formation of the Alabama Invasive Plant Council (ALIPC) in 2003, a committee dedicated to assessment and listing of massive plants was convened - the ALIPC Invasive Plant Listing Committee. Committee members were drawn from the wide diversity of expertise of the Council, which welcomes participation by all land-use and water-use managers. owners, stewards and agencies. Alabama's 10 Worst Invasive weeds were named through review and consensus in the later part of 2003. The list was published in brochure (, which also conveyed information on ALIPC's purpose and a membership application (over 8,000 copies of this brochure have been distributed). This led to the inherently more difficult task of developing an expanded invasive plant list, specially given the wide diversity of ALIPC's membership and Board of Directors and their traditional individual specialty focus. Considering neighboring land-use and shared invasive plant problems became a learning experience as we worked towards compromises to minimize overall impacts.


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Miller, James H.; Loewenstein, Nancy J.; Hansen, Curtis J.  2006.  List of invasive plants by cultural use categories.   Wildland Weeds: 15-17

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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