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Publication Information

Title: Forest Tenure Systems and Sustainable Forest Management: The Case of Ghana

Author: Owubah, Charles E.; Le Master, Dennis C.; Bowker, J. Michael; Lee, John G.

Date: 2001

Source: Forest Ecology and Management 149 (2001) 253-264

Description: Adoption and implementation of sustainable forestry practices are essential for sustaining forest resources, yet development of effective policies and strategies to achieve them are problematic. Part of the difficulty stems from a limited understanding of the interaction between obtrusive forest policies and indigenous tenure systems and how this affects sustainable forest management. This study uses a market framework to analyze the relationships between individual components of forest tenure and sustainable forestry practices. Data from 21 rural communities in the forest belt of Ghana are used to evaluate theoretical propositions. Logistic regression models are used to predict willingness to engage in the preservation of indigenous, economically valuable trees, conservation of natural forests, and establishment of forest plantations. The number of farmers engaged in sustainable forestry practices is small. While most tenure variables behaved as expected, security of tenure and exclusiveness are less important to the practice of sustainable forestry. Farmers, in their role as potential producers, perceive preservation of indigenous, economically valuable trees and conservation of forests as having a net cost to them, especially if compensation is not paid for damage to crops resulting from logging operations of concessionaires. Current statistics in Ghana provide few incentives for farmers to engage in sustainable practices. The study also provides recommendations for forest tenure systems to function effectively.


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Owubah, Charles E.; Le Master, Dennis C.; Bowker, J. Michael; Lee, John G.  2001.  Forest Tenure Systems and Sustainable Forest Management: The Case of Ghana.   Forest Ecology and Management 149 (2001) 253-264

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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