US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: Evaluation of a cut-to-length system implementing fuel reduction treatments on the Coconino National Forest in Arizona

Author: Klepac, John; Rummer, Bob; Thompson, Jason

Date: 2006

Source: In: The 29th Council on Forest Engineering Conference, W. Chung and H.S. Han editors. pp. 405-414

Description: A Cut-to-Length (CTL) system was evaluated for production and cost while implementing fuel reduction treatments in two stands on the Coconino National Forest in Arizona. Product recovery and fire behavior within each stand after treatment were also examined. Only trees less than 16 inches diameter breast height (DBH) were harvested. After logs were forwarded to a landing, the remaining slash in each stand was removed by the forwarder for fire hazard reduction. Time-and-motion data collected revealed the harvester produced 364 cubic feet (cf) per Productive Machine Hour (PMH) while harvesting sawlogs and 33 cf per PMH while harvesting biomass. Forwarder productivity averaged 690 cf per PMH while transporting sawlogs and 160 cf per PMH while transporting biomass. System cost, with profit and overhead, was estimated at 208 per Scheduled Machine Hour (SMH). Unit costs were $0.88 per cf while harvesting sawlogs and $9.62 while harvesting biomass.


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Klepac, John; Rummer, Bob; Thompson, Jason  2006.  Evaluation of a cut-to-length system implementing fuel reduction treatments on the Coconino National Forest in Arizona.   In: The 29th Council on Forest Engineering Conference, W. Chung and H.S. Han editors. pp. 405-414

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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