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Publication Information

Title: Seedling Survival and Natural Regeneration For a Bottomland Hardwood Planting on Sites Differing in Site Preparation

Author: Johns, Daniel T.; Williams, Brett; Williams, Hans M.; Stroupe, Matthew

Date: 1999

Source: Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Shreveport, LA, February 18-18, 1999

Description: In January 1998, three tracts in Hardin County, TX, were hand-planted with seven species of 1-0 bareroot bottomland hardwood seedlings. The tracts, managed by The Nature Conservancy of Texas, were previously 20-year-old pine plantations. The tracts are located within the floodplain of Village Creek. An objective for this conversion is the restoration of a bottomland hardwood wetland in order to meet Clean Water Act requirements. A pre-harvest plant inventory was conducted for each tract. The tracts were clearcut during the Winter and Spring of 1997. Following harvest, each tract was subjected to a different site preparation technique. One tract was burned. Another tract was treated with herbicide to control Chinese tallow. The third tract was sheared, piled, burned and ripped. Planted seedling survival was greatest (72 percent) on the tract that was sheared, piled, burned and ripped. Hardwood natural regeneration was proportionally higher on the tract prepared by burning only. However, this tract appeared to have a greater potential for hardwood root collar sprouting following harvest of the pine overstory. Chinese tallow was a large portion of all natural woody regeneratton on each tract.


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Johns, Daniel T.; Williams, Brett; Williams, Hans M.; Stroupe, Matthew  1999.  Seedling Survival and Natural Regeneration For a Bottomland Hardwood Planting on Sites Differing in Site Preparation.   Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Shreveport, LA, February 18-18, 1999

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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