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Publication Information

Title: A New Greenhouse Photoperiod Lighting System for Prevenction of Seedling Dormancy

Author: Tinus, Richard W.

Date: 1995

Source: Tree Planters' Notes 46(1):11-14; 1995.

Description: An oscillating light fixture consisting of a 400-watt high-pressure sodium arc lamp and an oscillating parabolic mirror was designed and tested on blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.). It successfully prevented apical bud dormancy at distances up to 13m (43 ft) and light intensities as low as 0.5 µE/m²/sec (4 foot-candles) in a greenhouse.


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Tinus, Richard W.   1995.  A New Greenhouse Photoperiod Lighting System for Prevenction of Seedling Dormancy.   Tree Planters' Notes 46(1):11-14; 1995.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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