US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Guidelines for Estimating Cone and Seed Yields of Southern Pines

Author: Barnett, James P.

Date: 1999

Source: Bamett, James P. 1999. Born, Mary; Stine, Michael, compI. Proceedings of the 25th Biennial Southem Forest Tree Improvement; 1999 July 11-14; New Orleans, LA.

Description: Our ability to predict cone and seed yields of southern pines (Pinus spp.) prior to collection is important when scheduling and allocating resources. Many managers have enough historical data to predict their orchards' yield; but such data are generally unavailable for some species and for collections outside of orchards. Guidelines are presented to allow prediction of cones per tree, to convert numbers of cones to bushels, to estimate numbers of seeds per cone, and to convert numbers of seeds per bushel to pounds of seeds per bushel. Once we have these data, crop prediction is a straightforward process.

Keywords: Pinusspp., crop prediction, seed orchards

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Barnett, James P.  1999.  Guidelines for Estimating Cone and Seed Yields of Southern Pines.   Bamett, James P. 1999. Born, Mary; Stine, Michael, compI. Proceedings of the 25th Biennial Southem Forest Tree Improvement; 1999 July 11-14; New Orleans, LA.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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