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Title: Seedling quality tests: chlorophyll fluoresence

Author: Ritchie, Gary; Landis, Thomas D.

Date: 2005

Source: In: Dumroese, R. Kasten; Landis, Tom D.; Steinfeld, David; Watson, Rae, eds. Forest Nursery Notes. R6-CP-TP-11-04, Portland OR: USDA Forest Service, PAcific Northwest Region, Stand and Private Forestry, Cooperative Programs: 12-16

Description: So far in this series we have discussed the most commonly -used seedling quality tests: root growth potential, cold hardiness, and stress resistance. In this issue, we're going to talk about one of the newest test-chlorophyll fluorescence (CF). The technology for measuring CF has been in place for over 50 years but has been applied to tr?e seedling physiology only since the late 1980s. In early trials, forestry researchers found CF to be an important research tool holding promise of many potential applications: assessing the effectiveness of imgation and fertilization, determining the lifting window, and evaluating seedling vigor after storage. They concluded that CF was a "simple, rapid, reliable and non-destructive method of evaluating seedling physiological status during the nursery production cycle" (Vidaver and others 1988).


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Ritchie, Gary; Landis, Thomas D.  2005.  Seedling quality tests: chlorophyll fluoresence.   In: Dumroese, R. Kasten; Landis, Tom D.; Steinfeld, David; Watson, Rae, eds. Forest Nursery Notes. R6-CP-TP-11-04, Portland OR: USDA Forest Service, PAcific Northwest Region, Stand and Private Forestry, Cooperative Programs: 12-16

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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