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Publication Information

Title: Denitrification potential in sediments of headwater streams in the southern appalachian mountains, USA

Author: Martin, Lara A.; Mulholland, Patrick J.; Webster, Jackson R.; Vallett, H. Maurice

Date: 2001

Source: J. N Am. Benthol Soc., 2001, 20(4)505-519

Description: We investigated variations in resource availability (NOa-N and labile organic C [LOCJ] as determinants of potential denitrification in stream sediments in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. stream-water and sediments were sampled seasonally in 2 streams of contrasting NO3,-N availability, Noland Creek (high NO3,-N) and Walker Branch (low NO,-N). Eight additional streams with varying NO3,-N levels were sampled once during summer. Stream sediments were incubated at ambient stream temperatures, and nitrous oxide ccumulation was quantified following acetylene inhibition of nitrous oxide reduction. Denitrification potential was greater in Noland Creek than Walker Branch. In autumn and spring, NO,-N and LOC amendments indicated that denitrification potential in Walker Branch sediments was NO3,-N limited, whereas temperature had no effect on rates. Denitrification potential in Noland Creek sediments was not limited by NO3,-N or LOC, but was significantiy affected by season and temperature Howwer, no differences in denitrification potential were detected when Noland Creek seasonal data were adjusted to a common temperature. NO3,-N in the 10 surveyed streams ranged from 10 to 549 pg/L, with the highest NO,-N levels and denitrification rates generally occurring in the higher-elevation streams of great Smokey Mountains National Park. Our results suggest that NOJ-N availability is the primary factor limiting potential denitrification in Southern Appalachian streams. Despite the ideal conditions of slurry studies, extrapolation of potential rates to estimate denitrification loss in the catchment channels indicates that the process is an insignificant N sink (1.7% of stream N export in Walker Branch and 1.5% of N export in the Noland Divide Watershed).

Keywords: dentrification, sediments, nutrient limitations, temporal variability, nitrate, dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen deposition, stream ecology.

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Martin, Lara A.; Mulholland, Patrick J.; Webster, Jackson R.; Vallett, H. Maurice  2001.  Denitrification potential in sediments of headwater streams in the southern appalachian mountains, USA.   J. N Am. Benthol Soc., 2001, 20(4)505-519

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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