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Title: Survey and Detection of Endophytic Fungi in Lolium Germ Plasm by Direct Staining and Aphid Assays

Author: Wilson, A. Dan; Clement, Stephen L.; Kaiser, Walter J.

Date: 1991

Source: Plant Disease. 75:169-173, February 1991

Description: Clavicipitaceous anamorphic endophytes were detected in 28 of 85 accessions from five of eight species in a collection of Lolium germ plasm. Comparative descriptions of endophytic mycelium in seeds of L. multiflorum, L. perenne, L. persicum, L. rigidum, and L. temulentum revealed morphological characteristics distinguishing endophytes in each host species. Most endophyte-infected accessions originated from Eurasia, particularly from Middle Eastern countries. Endophyte incidence and infection percentages varied widely with host species and geographic origin. Feeding tests with Diuruphis noxia were useful in detecting endophyte-infected accessions of perennial ryegrass.

Keywords: Acremonium, bioassay, biological control, Clavicipitaceae, Russian wheat aphid

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Wilson, A. Dan; Clement, Stephen L.; Kaiser, Walter J.  1991.  Survey and Detection of Endophytic Fungi in Lolium Germ Plasm by Direct Staining and Aphid Assays.   Plant Disease. 75:169-173, February 1991

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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