US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: The role of low impact herbicide treatments in ecosystem management

Author: McMahon, Charles K.; Miller, James H.; Thomas, David F.

Date: 1994

Source: In: Silviculture: from the cradle of forestry to ecosystem management, proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop; 1993 November 1-4; Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-88. Asheville, NC: USDA, FS, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station: 242-251.

Station ID: --

Description: Abstract. Environmentally safe, selective herbicide treatments can be adapted to manage habitats and direct succession toward desired future conditions within the principles of ecosystem 0. Six roles for herbicide treatments in ecosystem management are suggested: create and maintain desired habitats; create mixed and uneven-aged stands; restore damaged landscapes; control exotic, noxious and poisonous plants; maintain recreational areas, trails, and scenic vistas; and manage the rights-of-way for multiple use. Low inpact, selective herbicide treatments include tree injection, cut-stump 6prqys or wipes, basal sprays or wipes, directed sprays, and soil-spot sprays. Selective control can also be achieved using broadcast (aerial and ground) applications of selective herbicides. Currently less than 0.1 percent of national forest lands are treated with chemical herbicides in a typical y-ear. The six roles and treatment methodologies are consistent with the desire of the current administration to decrease pesticide use, to use safer pesticides, and to emphasize integrated pest management programs.


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McMahon, Charles K.; Miller, James H.; Thomas, David F.  1994.  The role of low impact herbicide treatments in ecosystem management.   In: Silviculture: from the cradle of forestry to ecosystem management, proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop; 1993 November 1-4; Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-88. Asheville, NC: USDA, FS, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station: 242-251.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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