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Ames Laboratory Condensed Matter Physics Group - Expertise in the synthesis, characterization and modeling of new materials [Department of Energy (DOE), Ames Laboratory (AMES)]

Argonne National Laboratory Chemistry Division - Provides strategic research at the frontiers of chemical sciences [Department of Energy (DOE), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)]

Biotechnology - Science Tracer Bullet - Research guide to resources at the Library of Congress on modern forms of industrial production utilizing living organisms, especially micro-organisms, and their biological processes, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The actual term applies to a wide variety of uses of such biological technology, including the development of new breeds of plants and animals, the creation of therapeutic drugs and preventive vaccines, the growing of more nutritious and naturally pest-resistant crops a [Library of Congress]

Carnegie Mellon University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) - Research on mesoscale interface mapping and the chiral solids and surfaces [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]

Center for Advanced Studies in Novel Surfactants - Novel surface- active molecules for better performance and cleaner environments [National Science Foundation (NSF), Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC)]

Center for Environmentally Responsible Solvents and Processes - Supports research to establish the understanding necessary to enable liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) to replace aqueous and organic solvents in manufacturing and service processes [National Science Foundation (NSF), Science and Technology Centers (STC)]

Center for the Science and Engineering of Materials (CSEM) - Focuses on biomolecular materials, bulk metallic glasses, ferroelectric thin films, and mesophotonics [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]

Center on Polymer Interfaces and Macromolecular Assemblies (CPIMA) - Develops the interface and supramolecular science of polymers, surface-active molecules, and macromolecular assemblies [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]

Chemical Hazards Response Information System (CHRIS) - Provides chemical, physical, toxicological, thermodynamic, and response information for water transport of hazardous chemicals [Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard]

Chemical Kinetics Database - A compilation of kinetics data on gas-phase reactions [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)]

Chemistry - Research focuses on the science of surface analysis by developing new analytical methods and the development of novel synthetic materials [Department of Energy (DOE), Idaho National Laboratory (INL)]

Chemistry Division - Research in biotechnology, chemical dynamics, surfaces, corrosion, and fire modeling [Department of Defense (DOD), Department of the Navy, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)]

Chicago Materials Research Center - Research focuses on mesoscopic self-assembly, tunable quantum materials, macroscopic dynamics of materials, bio-interfacial science, and nano-photonics [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]

Combustion Research Facility (CRF) - Conducts research on chemical reactivity, fluid dynamics, and state-of-the-art computational modeling to applied studies in such areas as engines, furnaces, and material processing [Department of Energy (DOE), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)]

Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) - [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]

DOE R&D Accomplishments - Provides a searchable database about the outcomes of past DOE research and development which have had significant economic impact, have improved people's lives, or have been widely recognized as remarkable advances in science [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

DOE R&D Highlights - Provides non-technical summary information about selected research conducted or sponsored by DOE and its National Laboratory infrastructure [Department of Energy (DOE)]

DOE R&D Project Summaries - Access summaries of ongoing or recently completed science and technology projects funded by the Department of Energy [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

E-PRINT Network: Research Communication for Scientists and Engineers - A searchable gateway to over 19,650 Web sites and databases worldwide, containing e-prints in basic and applied sciences, primarily in physics and subjects of interest to DOE [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) - This user facility develops and maintains unique capabilities for electron beam characterization and applies those capabilities to solve materials problems [Department of Energy (DOE), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)]

Energy Citations Database - Search bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies from 1948 forward [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

Federal R&D Project Summaries - Locate current research projects from a number of federal agencies [Department of Energy (DOE)]

Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Materials Research Center (FLC MRC) - A principal center covering basic LC science to the development of materials and devices with enhanced capabilities for electro-optic, nonlinear optic, and other novel applications [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]

Information Bridge - Search full-text of Department of Energy sponsored research and development reports [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Materials Science and Engineering - Research covers microphotonic materials, nanostructured polymers, electronic transport in mesoscopic semiconductors, microstructure and mechanical performance of polymeric materials, and doped mott insulators [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]

Membrane Applied Science and Technology Center (MAST) - Advances the technology of membrane separation [National Science Foundation (NSF), Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC)]

Neutron Interferometry and Optics Facility (NIOF) - User facilities for neutron interferometry and related neutron optical measurements [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)]

Optical Characterization Laboratory - Expertise in examining optical characteristics of aerosols and vapors in order to investigate chemical and biological contaminants in the environment [Department of Defense (DOD), Department of the Army, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC)]

Physical Properties Research Facility (PPRF) - Offers physiochemical properties measurement for industry, government, and academia [Department of Energy (DOE), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)]

Quantum Simulations - Uses quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) methods to simulate the behavior of materials at the microscopic level [Department of Energy (DOE), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)]

RIKEN BNL Research Center - Dedicated to the study of strong interactions, including spin physics, lattice QCD and RHIC physics [Department of Energy (DOE), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)]

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) - A National User Facility which provides synchrotron radiation to investigate objects of atomic and molecular size [Department of Energy (DOE), Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)]

Stopping-Power and Range Tables for Electrons, Protons, and Helium Ions - Data can be calculated for electrons in any user-specified material and for protons and helium ions in 74 materials [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)]

Surface Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy Laboratory (MicroLand) - Expertise in biological research and forensics, specializing in morphological and compositional characterization, surface analysis, and fine particle technology [Department of Defense (DOD), Department of the Army, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC)]

Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facilty (SURF) - A user facility for a variety of research and calibration programs in atomic and molecular physics, surface science, photochemistry, solid state physics, VUV/soft x-ray optics, and vacuum ultraviolet radiometry [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)]

Thermochemical and Chemical Kinetic Data for Fluorinated Hydrocarbons - Includes molecular species data, chemical reaction data, literature citations, and chemical kinetic mechanisms [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)]

Two-Stage Gas Gun Facility - Allows experiments that create pressures of a million-plus atmospheres, temperatures up to thousands of degrees, and densities several times that of a material's solid state [Department of Energy (DOE), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)]

University of California, Santa Barbara Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) - Research on biomaterial microstructures, solution synthesis of inorganics at molecular and atomic interfaces, mesoscopic macromolecular assemblies, and strongly nonequilibrium phenomena in complex materials [National Science Foundation (NSF), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)]