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ARS Research Program - Invasive Species - The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS) conducts research in extremely diverse areas involving prevention, control and management of invasive species. [Department of Agriculture (USDA)]

Agricultural Systems Research Unit - Enhance economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural production systems. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Appalachian Fruit Research Station (AFRS) - The mission of the Appalachian Fruit Research Station (AFRS) is to identify critical problems of temperate fruit production; develop the science, technology, and genetic base needed to maximize productivity and quality of fruit crops; and minimize the adverse effects of biotic and environmental factors on these crops. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force - Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) are aquatic and terrestrial organisms, introduced into new habitats throughout the United States and other areas of the world, that produce harmful impacts on aquatic natural resources in these ecosystems and on the human use of these resources. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

Areawide Fire Ant Suppression - Release and spread natural enemies for fire ants with the integrated use of baits and biological control. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Areawide Suppression of Fireants - To demonstrate practical, long-term control of fire ants over a large area using baits and biological controls. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Australian Biological Control Laboratory - To find and evaluate natural enemies of the Australian broad-leaved paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia, and Lygodium microphyllum, Old World climbing fern, for possible introduction as biological control agents into the United States. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit - The mission of the Research Unit is to import, quarantine, test, ship, release and establish exotic natural enemies (parasites and predators) of insect pests, using classical biological control approaches, and to investigate, model, and predict the interactions of pest and beneficial species. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

California Information Node - Provides access to data and information about California's environment. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Biological Information Infrastructure]

Central Southwest Gulf Coast Information Node - Gateway to biological information for Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and the Gulf of Mexico, including the coastal areas of Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Biological Information Infrastructure]

Children and Nature - Information about helping children connect with nature [Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

Crop Diseases, Pests and Genetics Research Unit - The overall goals are to develop economically, socially and environmentally acceptable integrated disease and insect pest management strategies based on improved understanding of disease epidemiology, pathogen biology and ecology, insect vector biology and ecology, complex host plant-pathogen-vector interactions, and host plant resistance; and improve perennial fruit crop varieties, quality and disease resistance through breeding and marker-assisted selection. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Crop Improvement and Protection Research Unit - The mission of the Crop Improvement and Protection Research Unit is to facilitate sustainable production of vegetable, sugar, fruit and ornamental crops through basic and applied research. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

European Biological Control Laboratory (EBCL) (France) - The European Biological Control Laboratory (EBCL) of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA/ARS) was established during 1991 in Montpellier. This new laboratory facility resulted from a fusion of the former Europe [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Exotic & Invasive Weeds Research Unit (EIWRU) - Develops novel methods for managing exotic and invasive weeds of rangelands and aquatic sites [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds (FICMNEW) - FICMNEW represents a formal partnership between 16 federal agencies with direct invasive plant management and regulatory responsibilities. [Department of Agriculture (USDA)]

Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds (FICMNEW). - FICMNEW represents an uprecedented formal partnership between 16 federal agencies with direct invasive plant management and regulatory responsibilities spanning across the United States and territories. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit - The mission of the Foreign Disease program is to develop techniques for the rapid detection and identification of new and emerging crop pathogens. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Global Wildlife Disease News Map - Displays news articles from the Wildlife Disease News Digest. On it users can easily see wildlife disease headlines both locally and globally. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Biological Information Infrastructure]

Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) - Conducts integrated, interdisciplinary environmental research in support of resource management and environmental services in coastal and estuarine water, with special emphasis on the Great Lakes [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science]

Great Lakes Science Center - Site for Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, which provides information about biological resources in the Great Lakes Basin. Links to personnel, publications, data, library, facilities, research vessels, Great Lakes issues,and research [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)]

Great Lakes Terrestrial Invasive Species Committee (GL-TISC) - A forum for Federal agency senior executives to obtain proactive coordination of activities and to clearly establish the proper role of each Federal bureau with the Midwest, including the Upper Mississippi River, Missouri River, Ohio River and the Great Lakes watersheds. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Great Plains Diagnostic Network (GPDN) - A consortium of nine states including, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas and represents one region of the National Plant Diagnostic Network. The mission of GPDN includes coordinated diagnostics, secure communications, and training of first detectors. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Habitattitude - HabitattitudeTM is a national initiative developed by the ANS Task Force and its partner organizations. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

Hawaii Area Wide Fruit Fly Pest - The goal of the Hawaii Area Wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management Program (HAW-FLYPM) is to develop and implement environmentally acceptable, biologically based, sustainable pest management strategies that reduce use of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides while suppressing fruit flies to economically manageable levels for the benefit of Hawaii. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Imported Fire Ant & Household Insects Research Unit (IFAHI) - This research unit develops integrated management strategies for imported fire ants and other emerging urban pest insects. Emphasis is on developing newer, safer methods and better strategies for controlling these pests with less reliance on traditional pesticides. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Invasive Insects Biocontrol and Behavior Laboratory - Research at the Insect Biocontrol Laboratory runs the gamut from examining DNA sequences and individual proteins to complex ecosystems such as those found in row crops, coffee plantations and forests. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Invasive Plant Research Laboratory - Sustainable management strategies for control of aquatic and wetland weeds [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Invasive Plant Research Laboratory (IPRL) - The mission of the USDA/ARS Invasive Plant Research Lab (IPRL) is to address the complex and multi-faceted problems of exotic plant invasions in natural and agricultural ecosystems. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Invasive Species Information Node - The Invasive Species Information Node (ISIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) creates a central repository for information pertaining to the identification, description, management, and control of invasive species. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Biological Information Infrastructure]

Invasive Weed Management Research Unit - The mission of the Invasive Weed Management Unit is to develop improved weed management systems that are efficient and environmentally safe. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Invasive Weed Management Unit - Develops improved weed management systems that are efficient and environmentally safe [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)] - A gateway to federal efforts concerning invasive species [Multiple agencies involved]

ipmPIPE (Pest Information Platform for Extension & Education) (cooperative effort between many Federal agencies and organizations and Universities), Public Interface for PIPE (Soybean Rust). - The mission of IPM PIPE is to realize a dynamic, integrated national system facilitated by information technology that provides centralized, useful tools with reliable information for IPM practitioners. [Department of Agriculture (USDA)]

Midwest Natural Resources Group (MNRG) - A partnership bringing focus and excellence to Federal activities supporting the vitality and sustainability of natural resources and the environment. [Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)]

NBIC: National Ballast Information Clearinghouse - Data on the ballast water management practices of commercial ships that operate in the waters of the United States [Ad Hoc Organizations, Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard]

NEMESIS: National Exotic Marine and Estuarine Species Information System - A resource for information on non-native (or exotic) species that occur in coastal marine waters of the United States [Ad Hoc Organizations, Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center]

National Framework for Invasive Species Early Detection, Rapid Assessment, and Rapid Response - Invasive species early detection, rapid assessment and rapid response (EDRR) requires a complex set of tools, resources, partnerships, and actions. Often efforts must be applied across jurisdictional boundaries, and this framework is a multi-sector coordination to catalog invasive species resources in the areas of Identification and Validation, Reporting, Expert Verification, Occurrence Databases, Rapid Assessment, Planning, and Rapid Response. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Biological Information Infrastructure]

National Invasive Species Council (NISC) - The National Invasive Species Council (NISC) is an inter-Departmental council that helps to coordinate and ensure complementary, cost-efficient and effective Federal activities regarding invasive species. [Department of Agriculture (USDA)]

National Invasive Species Information Center - Is a gateway to invasive species information; covering Federal, State, local, and international sources. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS), National Agricultural Library (NAL)]

National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) - A webpage created to inform the general public of the existence of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) and to facilitate NPDN committee function, activities, and organization. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) - Committee for Environment and National Resources (CENR) - This Cabinet-level Council is the principal means within the executive branch to coordinate science and technology policy across the diverse entities that make up the Federal research and development enterprise. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) - A national information resource for locating biogeographic accounts of nonindigenous aquatic species in the U.S. Provided are scientific reports, online/realtime queries, spatial data sets, regional contact lists, and general information [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)]

North Central Plant Disease and Pest Diagnostic Network (NCPDN) - A consortium of land grant institutions that provide services for plant disease diagnosis, plant identification, and insect/pest identification. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network (NEPDN) - A webpage created to inform the general public of the existence of the Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network (NEPDN) and to facilitate NEPDN committee function, activities, and organization. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory - The NPARL mission is to develop ecologically based strategies, technologies, and products for the sustainable management of crops and rangeland, and natural resource systems. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Office of Pest Management Policy (OPMP - Integrate the Department's programs and strategic planning pertaining to pest management, coordinate the Department's role in the pesticide regulatory process and related interagency affairs, and strengthen the Department's support for agriculture by helping to develop alternative pest management tools that may be needed as a result of regulatory changeprimarily with the Environmental Protection Agency. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Plant Conservation Alliance - Alien Plant Working Group, Weeds Gone Wild - Provides information for the general public, land managers, researchers, and others on the serious threat and impacts of invasive alien (exotic, non-native) plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems of the United States. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Plant Protection Research Unit (PPRU) - The PPRU consists of five research programs with a research emphasis on devising practical pest control methods that minimize or eliminate chemical pesticide usage while maintaining pest damage below economic threshold. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Plant Sciences Institute (PSI) - Weed Science Laboratory - Discovers and develops biological, chemical, and physical processes and principles (including bioregulation) that will improve pest management systems, crop production efficiency, conservation of natural resources, environmental quality, and support of re [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS), Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC)]

Protect Your Waters and Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers - Site for recreational users who want to help stop aquatic nuisance species. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site (SGNIS) - Information center on zebra mussels and other aquatic nuisance species [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)]

South American Biological Control Laboratory (Buenos Aires - Argentina) - The successful implementation of the mission will produce self-sustaining and biologically based management technologies to control invasive pest species. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Southern Plant Diagnostic Network (SPDN) - The mission of the network is to enhance national agricultural security by quickly detecting introduced pests and pathogens. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Southern Regional Research Center - General research objectives include achieving maximum use of agricultural products for domestic markets and export, developing new uses and processes for farm products and means for promoting optimum human health and well-being through improved nutrition, promoting product safety and quality, and developing effective control technologies for the Formosan subterranean termite. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Southern Weed Science Research Unit (SWSRU) - Scientists in the SWSRU are providing needed information in biology and ecology of crop-weed interactions, weed species and population shifts, weed resistance to herbicides, herbicide action on weeds, introduction of non-native invasive weed species, and the environmental impact of weed management systems. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Soybean Rust Information Site - USDA's Web site supporting the goals of a coordinated response framework and providing stakeholders with timely and accurate information for managing soybean rust in 2005. [Department of Agriculture (USDA)]

TAME Melaleuca Project - The Areawide Management and Evaluation of Melaleuca is a pest management program designed to promote long-term, biologically-based management in partnership with public and private land managers. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Team Leafy Spurge - A USDA-ARS research and demonstration program focused on the Little Missouri River and associated watersheds in Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakata for the purpose of applying ecologically based integrated pest management strategies to achieve effect [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service]

The Western Plant Diagnostic Network (WPDN) - A consortium of land grant institutions and state departments of agriculture throughout the western United States and U.S. territories in the Pacific that provide services for plant disease diagnosis, plant identification, and insect/pest identification. WPDN uses a common software interface to process diagnostic requests and share information among diagnostic laboratories. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS)]

Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas - Provides information on the serious threat and impacts of invasive alien (exotic, non-native) plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems of the United States [Ad Hoc Organizations, Plant Conservation Alliance]