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Tell Us What Your Think: Your Comments (and Our Response)

We asked you to tell us what you thought of the site. Here is what you have had to say and how we are responding:

We are listening! Some issues we can correct quickly and others will take more time and consideration. Changes we’ve made so far include:

Your Comments

  1. Get rid of the comment box :) Ok, seriously, move the maps above the headlines in the center of the page. Am more interested in finding local statistics, as opposed to national....  

  2. Info on this site is great. It does feel busy. I would reduce the visual noise a bit. But good info and easy to access.  

  3. The homepage is very busy. I'm not sure where to focus my eyes and what I should be looking at or for.  

  4. Way too cluttered overall. Make people click through a general topic header to get through to the details for all but the most important latest news or most-desired info on the site. The boxes below the news just look messy and should be integrated into the design rather than stacked on top of each other. Also, is an A-Z index really useful? I don't know if people search that way - it's so hit or miss, depending on the search terms. Could lose that box, I think. Another thought is to sort the information by who is using the site. You could have a home page where people select "Are you a... doctor, researcher, concerned citizen, community leader, etc." and then they go to a page customized for those needs. Thanks for asking for feedback!  

  5. First thank you for asking. 1) I know the government can not promote NGO's but there are alot of good sources. Even if it is just to highlight the week in review. Crofs blogs, Pandemf flul trackers, and Fluwiki have daily news. Please see for news example 2) Please keep doing the webcasts 3) Prep item of the week. In one year we make 52 positive steps toward being prepared for pandemic or other disaster 4) Please do keep us up to date on progress 5) Please do let us know how the local cities are doing not just the state. 6) Did I mention keep the webcasts going? 7) If possible post the questions submitted to webcasts so we can see what is being asked? Thanks - that is just a few off the top of my head.  

  6. Please give us more than a weeks notice on what the web cast will be on.  

  7. Too much "white". Too much text. Not much stands out. 4 graphics at the bottom look like they are just thrown up there. They also cause the page to load slow.  

  8. I believe that the product guy ( suggest that you need more visual hierarchy. My eye doesn't know where to go, and all links seem of equal value. Except for your feedback box, which is brilliantly front and center.  

  9. I'd like to see a more consumer-friendly interface and language - right now the site is full of text and links, but it seems a little overwhelming - not sure where to go to get basic information on all aspects of planning for individuals. I'd also like to see more about healthcare - will people need to avoid hospitals and clinics? What will special populations such as pregnant/laboring women and the disabled need to plan for?  

  10. Site looks like it was designed in the early 90's. needs a color/logo improvement. What is PlanFirst? you gotta get rid of the clip art by the survey link.  

  11. The information below in the 4 boxes (Nations w/H5N1 Avian, Where You Live, The Great Pandemic & the Storybook) would be great to have in a tabbed format similar to WebMD's Keep up the great work!  

  12. Lot's of good info, but in general, I'd say the site just looks a little "busy." I know that's not very specific, but would be interesting to have someone rework for simplicity  

  13. I like the Planning & Response page where you have the different groups listed across the top. I think it would be good to use this on the home page to give the site a more action-oriented, focused feel.  

  14. 1) The A-Z index would be better suited along the top. 2) Landing page is busy. May be necessary to reduce the number of topics/links on landing page. 3) There is a ton of content, but many resources seem to be dated. There should be separation of new vs. archived documents.  

  15. Larger search engine.  

  16. would be nice to see other's ideas from this widget  

  17. Can not find major guidance documents (example, where is guidance for antiviral drugs, community measures, vaccines?)  

  18. It's kind of hard on the eyes.  

  19. I'd like to see your info on twitter.  

  20. 1. For ease of reviewing/viewing especially with an older population that isn't internet savvy, it would be easier to keep all links on one side of page Likes: Plain white background with dark and easy to read fonts in a slightly larger than average size No flash, shockwave, Qtime, movies, banners on main page for those still on slow dialup connections (which tend to be the target audience/population) Easy to recall url - can be remembered with little ease and repeated when referring friends over the phone Add a few more languages other than than Spanish and Asian. Add Italian, and Greek  

  21. This website is very cluttered and unorganized. Look how clean Google Flu Trends is: Make this page more user-friendly (lay person friendly). Cut out unnecessary clutter.  

  22. too busy not enough pics  

  23. please make the PSAs you've done easily downloadable and findible ;-)  

  24. I would add something more personable. Like people that the viewer of the page can relate to. Your graphics are wonderful and it helps for the visual learners to engage. Your information is current. And your navigation is top notch. I would add a few more definitions that the public needs in order to grasp this. Maybe a PSA on the front page that has children or a family would be engaging as well. Other than that, its a wonderful page. Thanks  

  25. i would like to have a bit more ease of navigating around the site--everything just seems so messy when looking for specific items--maybe use color specific links for different areas of interest. Lots of info here, but it would be great to see it re-organized and easier to access. Other than that--great stuff!  

  26. change the logo. It looks kind of amature  

  27. I would like to see preparedness info for individuals and families featured more prominently on this front page. This is minor, but the US map and banner images in the boxes below are a bit blurry. I think the language and font size options are new since I was last here. Nice job making this more accessible! Flu terms defined - very important, deserves its placement at the top  

  28. I think many people have been lulled to complacency on the likelihood of a pandemic by the term "bird flu". That sounds as innocuous as...well, birds. If it were called "Tiger flu" or "Cobra flu" people might be more concerned.  

  29. looks very web 1.0 ....  

  30. took a scroll and 2 clicks to get info on my state in USA -- pretty good! the note below this comments box uses PII acronym. I don't know anybody who uses that, looks a little silly and officious. But overall, it's good, if I had to change anything I'd try to put one of the maps above the fold.  

  31. First Organization - visually on the page. My first impression was - is this really the site? Too much wasted space and and things looked like they got added at the last minute - very choppy. I like the email updates page - lots of choices. Your visitors primary reason for seeking you out is for personal and community safety - we all want to feel safe an in control of our situations. First thing about the pandemic page: People want to know how to create a safe environment in their homes and community and to do this, they need to be able to quickly find these simple things: 1. what is the bird flu (or any pandemic) and how to recognize it - bird flu vs reg flu (pandemic illness vs reg illness)in simple layman terms in explanation. 2. A video showing them the difference and how it is spread would help dispel fear and give them a picture in their mind to aid them in remembering. (non-threating layman terms) 2a. Printable doc's with pictures showing what the bird flu looks like and how to recognize the symptoms visually as well as the time it takes for a person to contract and die from this disease. 3. How to combat this threat - your visitors need to feel safe.(what to do individually, when and if, a pandemic is announced) 4. What they need in their pandemic kit to keep themselves and their families safe. After all these needs have been addressed, then continue down the page with state and community information link, maps and stories and news about the bird flu that you have currently. I came to this site looking for these answers. I am well versed in searching the internet - many are not and they would have left this page confused and without the answers they were seeking. The general populace needs simple info right in front of them, at eyesight range, as soon as they open the page. I know this site is primarily created for professionals in the leadership and medicine industry, but layman people are gearing up and looking to you for answers as well.  

  32. Would like to know: 1) Do masks work? If so how well and how many to keep, how long to use them, can they be reused, how to dispose of them 2) Do gloves work? If so how to use them 3) Do cloth gloves work? 4) Do cloth gloves with collodial silver or silver strips work? 5) How does hudidity affect bird flu transmission in the air? 5) How does hudidity affect bird flu on surfaces? 6) How does temprature affect bird flu in the air? 7) How does temprature affect bird flu on surfaces? 8) How does air movement affect bird flu transmission? 9) Do UV light filters helP? That is enough for a start, thousands more questions to follow. (not a joke)  

  33. I am in the medical profession and am suprised at how many nurses, doctors, others in our community are unaware of ths website or even the need to search information out. Can you do something more to encourage the public and professionals of the need to be prepared?  

  34. I preferred having the world map on the home page where you could instantly view new outbreaks and tallies of previous cases in each country.  

  35. [Please note that I am not an American citizen. And English is not my mother tongue.] What strikes me the most is the amount of information available to the public on The transparency is definitely achieved. The PlanFirst series is really well done, and provides insight about ungoing projects and challenges. I watched several webcasts and was very impressed& The Take the lead section, a call for leaders is probably unique to We dont see this kind of collaboration and participation elsewhere. has a build in slide show on the index page, displaying powerful pictures. Idem for the Centre for Biosecurity and Bioterrorism. These graphic elements provide a visual overview of the content of the site, in just a few seconds. I like the grey light letters used in The news are well presented. The elements are shown in different colors and fonts (date, title, short description, link): WED, FEBRUARY 11, 8:28 PM EST Digital delayed President Obama today signed legislation extending the deadline for the switch from analog to digital TV signals until June 12. READ THIS POST The menu is displayed in a horizontal element, at the top of the site also uses shades of blues, white and red: USA colors& The bottom navigation bar in is also very elegant, discrete. In general, we can easily read very well the various sections in This site looks very professionally done. A similar kind of look would confer more credibility to pandemic preparedness, if it were applied to  

  36. You could start by encouraging people to stock up on 3 months worth of food, tp, over the counter and prescription meds. Teach people how to make water safe to drink too, that is really important!  

  37. A chart of suspect H5N1 casses that are not WHO confirmed. "Opinions" from those who know, when they believe a Pandemic will occur and if from avian flu.  

  38. i think you guys are annoying know leave me olny right this momment  

  39. The recommendation to have only two weeks of food and supplies for staying home during a pandemic does not seem adequate to me. The ability to restock between waves is questionable. Also (based on recent studies) it is not realistic to assume a maximum death rate of 2%. And finally, while not politically correct, it seems irresponsible to recommend that people have food, water, and other emergency supplies stocked for an extended stay at home (when most people are not doing the same) without explaining that under that kind of conditions they should expect roving gangs to take it from them if they are not ready to turn them away by force.  

  40. In all honesty, you need to be honest with the folks and tell them that they are going to be on there own for the most part when it comes to self protection and defense. It is beyond criminal NOT bring it to the attention of your readers that roving gangs of robbers and worse will be on the loose.  

  41. Updates regarding vaccine progress. Funding opportunities for Pandmeic flu planning.  

  42. This site is pretty usable, but it's hard to navigate to it through the cdc site. Thanks for asking.  

  43. More graphics showing the occurance of where and how the disease is spreading globally.  

  44. I'd like to see direct (and easy to spot) links to your Individual and Business preparedness pages on the front page. If you don't know where they are, they can be hard to find. I give this site very high marks, however. The layout is a little `busy', but the information is solid. Thanks.  

  45. need to make this more consumer accessible. start from asking questions to help people with information overload. also make sure this web site works in Google Chrome.  

  46. I would move the US map up a little higher or on a sidebar. Also change the header to only show "Pandemic" looks a little weird with both. The content is good - I think it just needs better organization on the home page. Not enough color,  

  47. Overall, I have found this site very helpful in trying to set up a PI plan. I would like to see some firm guidance on how to manage people coming back to work after being sick. Thanks.  

  48. Too cluttered, too hard to find information. Do not like having the QAs in video form. Just want to see the information written.  

  49. Could you move the bottom three boxes to the left or the right of the page. I nearly missed the information that was so far down the page.  

  50. I would like to see information targeted to different groups. Schools and public officials, families, businesses, those conducting pandemic flu exercises etc. Could be a layout issue. there is too much information to start off with. Also for someone in a hurry some quick updates.  

  51. I like it the way it is. Links to other video presentations would be nice. I currently have to sift through much u tube junk to find quality videos.  

  52. I like the content. Changes I would like to see are: 1)Higlight what I can do to prepare--as a private citizen and family, as a health provider, etc.; 2)Perhaps break information down by audience categoroes; 3) Make it look a bit more 21st Century in design! Thanks!  

  53. -->Consider adding CDC, DHS and READY.GOV links; similar to WHO. -->Separate out info for both businesses and private individuals. Thx in Advance for Considering  

  54. PLEASE update the state sites. I am a state PI coord. and I've tried for MONTHS to get someone to change the info on our state site to get the CURRENT ops plan!!!  

  55. it's very ugly and poorly organized.  

  56. Please add more information to the website, and update it much more frequently.  

  57. Please keep "Take the lead" Feds can not do it all and each locality needs that 'local touch" and cusomization. I whish more was done with 'Take the Lead" but..... do keep it. Please keep the web casts going. It is the closest thing to the pandemic channel [Redacted] has written about that we have Please add information if lysol or which disenfectants will be good during a pandemic.  

  58. headlines stating the latest news where bird flu is occuring.  

  59. Link up to relevant blogs and put up a twitter feed on H5N1.  

  60. You need to alert the public that this site exists. You need to make it very clear that H5N1 is THE number 1 potential Pandemic candidate and that it kills between 60-83% of those infected and the largest age range for death are young people. You need to stress that people need up to 3 months of supplies in their homes.  

  61. less side things  

  62. more flat out information right on the page when we click the link  

  63. to easily find a pandemic influenza planning guide  

  64. I would like to say I feel this is an important site, and I think you have done a good job. I use it as part of our home school. We have been tracking news on this site with news paper articles. The glossary has helped to understand words used in reporting this flu. I think anyway to improve it would be to keep up to date stories, more then has been posted and maybe links to more information of the flu. Keep up the good work.  

  65. The search function does not work very well. When I enter search terms for items I know are in here, it rarely brings that item up and usually brings up a list of only slightly related items.  

  66. Me parece este sitio muy instructivo, yo lo tengo siempre a la mano Aunque me parece que cada pagina tiene demasiadas cosas, esta muy amontonado, deberian de estar mas aereadas. De todas maneras Bravo!  

  67. I have been told that the resent reports from China have moved the WHO to Phase 4. Nothing is showing up on any of the sites

  68. News is rarely revised. Please locate other important issues to remember for times when the pandemic occurs. Please notify the civic of the vital importance of wearing masks always whether or not having virus when the pandemic occurs.  

  69. Today is Feb 16 and the lead store is dated Feb 10th you need the current Bird flu story of the day which is the 3rd case of bird flu in Viet Nam. People need to be kept up to date.  

  70. I would like to see a simpler site design, looking more like the Google home page than the newsletter format you have chosen. I would like to see a little more color; not just gray/blue/teal. Thanks for asking!  

  71. Simplify the navigation, different areas, and colors being used. Too many things to look at all at once.  

  72. i love it dont chang anthing

  73. I sent you a comment a couple or a few weeks ago, but I'll repeat it here. Despite the fact that this is a "lay persons" site, I believe that the popular press pieces you post, such as the last two, should be introduced by someone from CDC, and not just thrown on here for users of this site to attempt to interpret for themselves: * New Study Examines H5N1 Virus (Feb 10) * Experts Identify Key Area of Bird Flu Virus (Feb 4) Thanks

  74. Please explain the data capture proces for the Situation Update link on your website. Is it required? Are the labs mandatory reporters? Would the US Labs be mandatory reporters for H5N1?  

  75. Alaska is not on the drop-down menu for "Where you live" It does come up when you click on the map. I love this site. 

  76. There should be an alert system via Text, email, etc. to warn people to take certain precautions or to just be more careful because a certain disease or flu has become more prevalent lately.

  77. I agree with the person who made the comments relative to personal safety and security. Those who follow the advice and prepare for at least 2 weeks will be the targets of those who did not. Looting and home invasion will be very real threats. As a retired law enforcement officer, I can state through experience that in an emergency, the police force is spread thin and creates an opportunity for desperate or criminal types to prey on the weak. Your collective experience with other widespread natural disasters validates my concern. You need to address the personal security issues.  

  78. Hi,for me its form over function so please add information. I came here to learn not to be entertained. Since not everyone has high speed cable the text version is great. Works well on an iPhone or blackberry.  

  79. Hi - I agree with 2 weeks of food being way too little. It took us a month to get to 2 weeks and then less than a month to go for 2 months of food. The big lesson was 'rotate". Must always check expiratin date. After the penut butter recall we are glad we could wait a month after we bought food to eat it.  

  80. I hate this website.

  81. H5N1 is the most likely candidate for the next flu pandemic. H5N1 kills 80% of the young people it infects. 80%! and 80% of the people it infects are young people. H5N1 is a monster on our doorstep. 3 months of food will be needed by most families. 3 months. Schools will close. Stores will close. This is very serious and scary and this site is not making a strong enough statement. Also - no one knows about it.  

  82. I find this site very helpful and easy to navigate. Great job!  

  83. I liked it the OLD way...when there were tabs that you could click on at the top of the page. This way isn't intuitive. I was looking for information on state planning and I had to hunt around for it. Please give us the tabs back!  

  84. Add this link:  

  85. Stop promoting the stockpiling of antivirals. Pushing antiviral agent stockpiling was never a good thing in the first place, especially given flu A(H5N1)'s propensity to make sloppy copies of itself, and thus the concern for it becoming a pandemic strain. The fact that there has always been concern that the H5N1 might develope resistance, the fact that there has been some, albeit "contained" pockets of, resistance aready, and the facts that amandadine and rimantadine are no longer useful for seasonal flu, and now the same is happening for oseltamivir, its amazing that you are still pushing stockpiling, let alone the rediculous notion that private companies, small and large should do the same.  

  86. Thanks for the opportunity to provide constructive criticism. I hope this does not constitute "PII", but my occupation revolves currently around planning for PI. Knowing how other thoughtful individuals are responding is of vital importance. I not infrequently go to the "state plans" portal to review specific elements and strategies. To my enduring dismay and on-going frustration, only 7 posted/retrievable state plans are at least as recent as 2008; only 9 additional states have plans dating from 2007 (ie., even possibly written with the benefit of the Community Strategy" Guidance (Feb. 2007); leaving 32 states or territories with vintages of 2006 or OLDER! Obsolescence reigns supreme! Glaringly, for 5 states, one can NOT recover a plan: clicking on the link renders an "electronic error" message of some sort or another. Also, not infrequently, clicking on the link here, for a state, will take one to a generic "state public health" website, and then its a matter of perseverance, savvy, and chance as to whether one will be successful in conjuring up that state's plan. PLEASE, since every state had to resubmit an updated plan as recently as the summer of 2008, let's get THOSE plans posted--and posted through a reliable, direct "quick link" so that they are easily available to the lay AND professional public. Again, thanks for soliciting our opinions.

  87. 1) The checklist for what families should keep on hand ought to have some guidelines as to quantities. How much water should be stored per person per week? How much food per person per week? 2) Also, you suggest planning for 2 weeks, but some pages indicate that a pandemic could affect a given community for up to 8 weeks. During that time, supplies could be limited or unavailable. Given that, shouldn't you be recommending storing enough food, water, prescriptions, etc. to cover more than 2 weeks? 3) Please offer guidance on how individuals can find out what plans have been made in their own community. 4) You mention that water supplies and other services could be disrupted. Please offer suggestions on how to deal with the resulting sanitation issues (personal cleanliness; washing dishes, clothes, sheets, and towels; garbage storage/disposal; human waste if toilets cannot be flushed.) 5) Please offer guidance on how to care for someone with pandemic flu in the home, and how to minimize the risks to yourself and others in the household if someone in the home becomes ill. Also, guidance on recognizing when to seek medical care.  

  88. Tried to print federal response stages and only a portion of the page printed... need printable version.

  89. This is a good, informative website, and I believe, easy to read/navigate. I would ask that there be more current information/updates regarding the H5N1 in Asia, Europe, etc. This site and the WHO site lag behind other sources of H5N1 information being provided. Also, the Pan Flu Readiness Ad Council videos are terrific and should be more easily accessible, and distributed more broadly. thanks.  

  90. On the state pandemic plan page, put the month and year of the posted plan in the link title. States should post their most recent plan or update, not plans that are 3-4 years old. New postings should be highlighted. Provide navigation to new postings from the home page. Better yet, allow for email or SMS notifications of new postings.  

  91. Overall the site looks great and functions well, and has all of the relevant information easily accessible and logically placed. I think the 4 boxed pieces below this "Tell Us What Yout Think" section should be a bit larger so that , for example, you can at least make out the legend on the "Nations with confirmend cases" map, maybe by sliding the bottom two boxes over - or maybe they are larger when this feedback box is not here!  

  92. While you recommend that folks stockpile all the things they will need for an extended stay at home, and explain clearly that we should expect very little to be available within days after the pandemic starts, you provide no information or guidance on how one might prevents gangs and looters from taking all they have. Please don't let political correctness keep you from recommending armed defense by individuals, homes and neighborhoods working together.  

  93. Great information. Thank you for providing this. I'd suggest that the WHO link for human cases go directly to the map showing number of cases by country since 2003. OIE seems not to be publishing the maps showing animal cases anymore, otherwise that link should go directly there. Visually seeing the countries affected is more easily comprehended than reading through a list of links country-by-country. Also, perhaps some pop-ups condensing CDC/HHS advice; summary of progress on vaccines; and amounts of vaccines and antivirals currently stockpiled. You really have to plow through a lot of different documents to locate this information.  

  94. I would like you to include information on home care like that the Red Cross has on their site, Home Care for Pandemic Flu at I realize that it's hard to predict what appropriate care might be, but considering the likely difficulty getting professional help, it would be good to prepare the public for a possible home care situation in advance when describing the threat. A mental rehersal could go a long way, as well as supplies like masks.  

  95. I have been experiencing continuing problems with printing documents from this site. For documents that are not in pdf format- information on the right site of the document does not print. Even selecting the print icon does not help.  

  96. We need more information regarding concerns for Oseltamavir resistance in Influenza-A. There have not been any updates since the initial announcement that a dramatically large proportion of isolates from the CDC were resistant. Everyone is freaking out and unfortunately we have not gotten any updates on this. Seriously, how big a deal is it for the CDC to test a few hundred more isolates of Flu over the past few months????  

  97. The four boxes at the bottom should be moved over so that you don't have to scroll so far. I think the website could use a little more colour, too much blue/dull. I love the where you live section. The educational offerings, where are they located- unable to tell from the front page. Thanks.  

  98. I'd like to see reprints of newstories of the day re influenza. Also want to know which page those stories appeared on. I think the government tried to minimize the force of the epidemic so people wouldn't panic.  

  99. You've created concern regarding resistance to flu antiviral Tamiflu. After doing some research, I find that in Phase 3 trial, Relenza offered little to no beneift over placebo and the FDA trial investigator eventually lost his job over it's ultimate approval or his objections. Relenza is an inhaled therapy that offers no benefit to hospitalized patients and roughly 50% of the people using it in trials were unable to use the inhaler proeprly? None of this much confidence. So why dont you tell people what new anti-viral is available.. or next in line now that people are concerned. Please stop avoiding the question.  

  100. What is the status of this antiviral.. it's develpment?  

  101. Would like to see source documents for planning located in one area. Separate out the Professional info from the lay and organize it so one won't waste a lot of time "searching". Site is WAAAY to busy.  

  102. excellent page to keep informed. Need to see if other medications being developed and/or vaccines.  

  103. Hi webmaster! egr  

  104. Don't sugar coat the stats. Tell it like it is, currently 68% mortality rate. The American people are tired of being lied to and just want the truth. Get the word out with radio/TV spots. Get ALL the medical community on board. Streamline the layout of this page and update the information to tell people to stock up with several weeks of food/water at a minimum in case our wonderful "Just in time" systems crash (which you know they will). We have several states that really have no clue whats going on. If this event happens and is half as bad as what I expect, lots of our local and state .gov people wont have a clue and guess who pays for this situation, we the local people. Secretary Leavitt is correct in that this would be like 10000 Katrina's happening at the same time all over the US, Don't expect help your on your own.  


  106. Avian Influenza info has not been updated on the Louisiana website since 2006.

  107. Your front end is not too busy. If anything, I would only suggest wrapping your "Resources" box into the list of links on the left hand side of the page. That's where I go automatically, and those links take us to your resources listed in that box.

  108. Where is your Feb. 18th info?

  109. A little tough to navigate. Maybe use the CDC site ( as a model - it is a little less cluttered without losing clarity and content.

  110. The information posted for many states is 2+ years out of date. Need an easy way to upload current information -- perhaps using Blogs.

  111. It is diffcult to find a specific document you're looking for on this site. I could not find the document that lists the tiers for dissemination of pandemic vaccines. I had to email the DHS to have the document sent to me because I couldn't find it. An item not necessariy related to this site but to pandemic planning: Why is each state creating their own pandemic plan? It would be more efficient to create a template state plan to be used by every state. Each state would start with identical plans and then build in specifics related to their state. That should would save a lot of time with only having one large group creating a template instead of 51 groups all heading in different directions creating 51 different plans.

  112. People that stockpile food, water,fuel, and other supplies should be advised to not let everyone know they are doing it. I have attended classes that taught folks to only tell those they intend to share it with, or are ready to turn away by force if necessary. The less people that know, the fewer you will have to turn away. We are talking about survival.

  113. I sent in the comment yesterday about trying to print non-pdf documents from this site- I saw on the twitter report that this was fixed. I just want to give feedback that I tried again to print and that the site is better- instead of losing entire words on the print-outs the documents are printing with one or 2 letters from the right side being dropped off.

  114. Putting this info on Twitter is a great idea! Have a simplier design overall and make all 'official' documenets, like plan templates and stategies extraordinally easy to find. In terms of the webscast, get people to answer the questions that are asked, not dance around the the US DOed on Pandemic flu issues. Also, it may be nice to highlight states or jurisdictions that have done a good job at pandemic flu planning and create a link to or a group like

  115. deep thinking

  116. I just visited this site this morning and I found it informational, keep up the good work.

  117. thank you for everything but i think it will be better if coulde disign a separate section to inform new searches and currentworldwide developements in drugs and vaccines and other protective strategies .

  118. Way too much information, and it's choppy. I just heard that a pandemic is expected in the next two years, and 40% of the world's population will be affected. And half of those will die. Is this true?

  119. None-it is fine. It s busy enough-don't add anything!!!

  120. Make the information more timely...if there is any significant new information on any of the news sites, it needs to be on this page.

  121. Thank you for the news update about Govenors. Please add some news daily to keep people comming back.

  122. Will there be any updates to "Take the Leade" ?

  123. Please keep the pandemic diaries and linking to new H5N1 infection maps.

  124. In the box "Where do you live" - why does Alaska follow Wyoming ? Can Alaska be moved with the 'A's ??

  125. List in simple bulleted points the current actions and plans of the Obama administration. What will be done? Is anyone considering pre-pandemic vaccination? What is the current state of VPL and other rapid vaccine production capabilities? Where are new anti-virals in progress towards availability? What is being done to complete the work listed above as quickly as possible? You have a lot of info confirming that the H5N1 flu bomb could off at any time, but no firm information on how we prepare as quickly as possible. Let s face it, what if this thing goes pandemic in a month or two. This deserves a Manhattan Project level of effort. Time could be running out. The effect of an H5N1 pandemic will make our current problems seem quaint. A 30% attack rate combine with a 63% death rate will be medical and social horror not witnessed since the back plague.

  126. Avian flu,pandemic flu, bird flu has been around for 100's of years. Killing a small poursion of the population. Those who was killed live with the birds, and did not get the killer flu from other poeple. So don't by in to the hype. Do prepare for the Coming times. It will be a pandemic, the one world order is coming. You have a choice, to pretisapate or go off the grid. Either pardemic you will react the same way

  127. I think the govt. is full of lies. So why would I want a flu shot???????

  128. Use the phrase "bird flu" instead of "avian flu." The media mostly refers to the disease as bird flu and that's much simpler for most people. When you use "avian flu" people wonder if you're talking about bird flu. I think a lot of the people who use "avian flu" are just trying to show off how sophisticated they are.

  129. Overall you have a quality website. When I wish to check on the current status of world events related to pandemic flu, I have to visit other blogs and sites which seem to have real time reports. I understand you can not report every rumor and internet report, but after verification, a report should be posted to a current events link. This is a good way to get up to date information without the internet hoax/conspiracy theories/end of times stuff.

  130. Better organization of information, more availability of factual information based on credible studies and perhaps an easily adapted template for workplace briefing.

  131. A link to Recovery under planning and response A new heading for Interoperabily under it sub headings communication links to states ,cities((SMA) and key federal agencies e,g FEMA==DHS.A link to WHO influenza activities as link to bioterorism.surveilllance and early warning and infrastructures

  132. Global transportation systems monitoring

  133. Continuous monitoring of major gaps in state pandemic plans

  134. monitoring world laboratoies production of AI vaccines

  135. In regards to the advice to store 2 weeks of food, water and personal supplies. In reviewing the planning assumptions for a pandemic, it appears one must prepare for the possibility of more than one wave with each wave lasting 2-3 months and in an affected community, a pandemic outbreak will last about 6 to 8 weeks. 12 weeks is commonly cited as the probable time schools will be closed. Assuming a pandemic develops overseas in Asia for example, it is estimated that intervention efforts and border screening could delay entry into the US by several weeks. During this period when WHO first elevates to a level 4 until flu enters into the US, 24/7 media coverage will start a run on food, supplies, and water. Shortages prior to the flu entering the US may force people to start using their 2 week supply early leaving little or nothing left for the actual pandemic wave period. Other local and county agencies openly advocate much longer stockpile periods. Should you re-evaluate your advice as too little?

  136. I think there is a bad viral infection in South Carolina....Some people are being diagnosed with flu, others bronchitis, and others pnemonia.....But there is a larger than average number of people sick....Sore Throat, Hoarse, Congestion, Mucos, Slight Temperature....


  138. Site is too busy--just too much information on one page. As a seasoned community planner, I look at this page and lose my train of thought as to where I want to go and what I'm looking for on the site.

  139. You just want to scare us with Pandemics!! This is a tool for the NWO in order to give us a shot that will make us vulerable. FEMA camps and trains in effect. Stop being part of that conspiracy, wake up and save people lives, do not aid NWO to capitalice their plans.

  140. Keep it going. Great source of concentrated info for individuals and public safety organizations. Could you establish a single point of reference that could be opened with one click that shows all of your information in one file and update whenever you update this file?

  141. the flu in children

  142. Where are the links to the Mental Health Webinar 2/18/09?

  143. Looks good to me. Thanks.

  144. The center of the page seems to crowded and hard to read. Simply reorganizing the main part of the page by topic will assist the reader to quickly find what he/she is looking for.

  145. I would love to see current threat levels for cities and counties available to search for. Also instructions for contacting you if one might feel a risk or potential risk might exist and what kinds of things we the public can report which might help you .

  146. Website in general is excellent. Although maintaining the currency of some areas is not adequate; i.e. Frequently asked questions. Also, names of those actually involved for critical decisions would increase accountability and access when needed. Continue the close linkage with WHO and consider other key countries' web pages.

  147. What was the cause of the initial avian flu? Was it the aftermath of the comet tail back in the day?

  148. um make it easier to find the influenza epidemic of 1918.

  149. I really enjoyed it. You have done a great job. I am from Iran and also now teach English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Employment, starting a business, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, business ideas, this article to a friend." With best wishes :).

  150. The site is too busy. To many links on home page.

  151. Do you guys read the daily updates from Dr. Henry Niman at If then then you definitely should. Dr. Niman has consistently been out front in his reporting on the H5N1 crisis, and it is high time that his perspective on the matter be publicly addressed by HHS and the scientific community at large. This issue is way too important for information and debate to be suppressed because letting the public know how dangerous the situation really is would hurt the poultry and travel industries.

  152. nothing its good

  153. hi

  154. We need a printer friendly version. Our community is having a meeting to address this issue, but print size is too small to read. Thank You

  155. Could you maybe make some kind of drug? Are people thinking of some?

  156. Do you really think it would happen some time some?

  157. It's ugly

  158. If "pandemic flu" and "avian flu" are NOT interchangeable, why do BOTH URLs lead to this site? It confounds your message!

  159. I found all information I needed so far. My first visit to site. I raise Chickens,peacocks,geese & turkeys so was interested in bird flu

  160. DVD - the box set. Not every one has high speed internet, in fact watching the webcast at work is hard because the company is at its band width allocation. I really do not think they like me doing it at work anyway. For doing presentations in schools or for groups an internet connection is not always available. Hence to have the webcase on DVD upon request would be nice.

  161. Be nice to apply for RN licensure online or print off application. Most unuser friendly website I have come across

  162. Guidance on Antiviral Drug Use during an Influenza Pandemic This guidance is not dated. It's hard to determine, at times, what is most current when a title/link to a document does not identify the publication date, let alone the document itself.

  163. Tell us where the money has dgone, and if (fingers crossed) their is going to be more money going to planning efforts.

  164. Generally I think the website is very good. The only improvement that I would suggest is a clear and simple "button" that links to the individual planning page for new users.

  165. What is going on? my friend told me about the twitter thing, so I go there to check it out. Why is it that your web site doesn't sync with the tweets? A bit confusing. This box in the middle of the page looks dumb. Looks like you are putting things where ever you can fit them on the page.

  166. the pictures. none of them work..

  167. The role of the courts in a pandemic influenza has not been adequately highlighted or addressed on the site. I'd like to see more attention to the legal issues raised in a pandemic (as well as other health emergencies). I would also like to see specific court administration issues addressed on the site. Thanks for the opportunity to provide input!!

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