The © Primer is an introduction to issues concerning copyright ownership and use of information. The interactive tutorial overviews the underlying principles behind copyright in the United States, outlines the requirements for copyright protection as well as discusses the parameters of use and access of copyrighted material.

The © Primer is intended to introduce both creators and users of information to the nuts and bolts of copyright law. Consisting of twenty-one questions and answers, the © Primer includes illustrative scenarios and resources for further information and study.

To enter the © Primer select the ENTER link or view the FAQ for tips on navigation and explanations of © Primer functions. You will need a Javascript enabled browser and the Flash Player utility to view the primer.

This primer was prepared in part with a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Copyright © 2002 by University of Maryland University College. All rights reserved. No part of the ©Primer may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, 
or stored in a database retrieval system without the prior written permission of UMUC. For authorization to use the ©Primer please contact: