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Avoiding certain fish can benefit your health and the environment.

Food & beverage articles

 Hot topics & trends
  BPA in plastics: What you need to know 12/08  new! 

  Buyer beware: Behind carbon offsets 3/08

  Chemicals in plastic: Should you be worried? 4/08

  CR food-labeling poll reveals concerns 12/08  new! 

  Fishy fish news 2/08

  Food-labeling poll 2007

  Food-labeling poll 2008  new! 

  Huge beef recall ripples through food chain 2/08

  Let's keep Monsanto out of our milk 8/07

  Lunch boxes may contain lead 7/07

  Organic aquaculture standards shouldn't be fishy 1/08

  Plastic: How safe is that container? 8/08

  Questionable carbon claims 9/08

  Veggie burgers that taste good 6/08

  What's so great about local food? Lots. 11/08  new! 

 Shopping greener
  Organics: Get more for your money 5/08

  Avoid soft drink benzene hazards 10/06

  Baby bottles without bisphenol A 8/08

  Coffee eco-labels to look for 4/06

  Is your tap water safe to drink? 10/07

  Kicking the bottled water habit 6/07

  Q&A: Baby bottles and bisphenol A 4/08

  Water filters: Green buying guide 5/07

  Yerba mate claims 9/07

  Fruits & vegetables
  Organic baby food: Is it safer? 1/06

  Organic IQ test 2/06

  Skip veggie washes Fall 06

  Spinach E.coli alert 10/06

  The appeal of the peel 12/07

  When it pays to buy organic 2/06

  Where to find eco-friendly goodies 11/07

  Meat, dairy, & eggs
  3 things to know about your food 7/08

  Arsenic and antibiotics in chicken 7/07

  Chicken health alert: Dirty birds 12/06

  Dairy: More products drop rbST 8/08

  Egg labels: An eggs-planation 1/08

  Mad cow update: How to limit your risk 7/05

  Mad cow: Delays in protection 7/07

  Meat eco-labels to look for 7/07

  Meat treated with carbon monoxide 7/06

  Meat, dairy, and eggs buying guide 12/06

  Meat: A better grass-fed label 12/07

  Organic baby food: Is it safer? 1/06

  Organic IQ test 2/06

  When it pays to buy organic 2/06

  Where to find eco-friendly goodies 11/07

  You are what animals eat 7/07

  Farmed vs. wild salmon 7/07

  Low-mercury seafood choices 7/06

  Mercury in tuna 7/06

  Mercury: From power plants to your plate 5/08

  Safer and sustainable fish labels 10/08

  Salmon scam 8/06

  Seafood buying guide 9/06

  Snacks & sweets
  Aspartame & saccharin debate 10/07

  Best dark and organic chocolate 9/07

  Chocolate eco-labels to look for 2/08

  Flat Earth crisps: Tasty, but not healthy 3/07

  Veggie chips: Trick or treat? 1/07

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