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Greener Choices Home > Cars

Did you know?

Keeping your car tires fully inflated can help you increase fuel-economy by as much as 5 percent.

Car articles

 Hot topics & trends
  Buyer beware: Behind carbon offsets 3/08

  Global Warming Solutions Center 7/08

  Green car blog

  Life in the carpool lane 7/08

  Offsetting pollution from your car 1/07

 Saving fuel
  Best ways to improve mileage 8/08

  CR Green car guide

  Gas-saving devices tested 6/08

  Save money on gas 6/08

  How to offset pollution from your car 1/07

  New EPA mileage figures 9/07

  Quick tips to save gas and cash 12/07

  Surprising facts about gas mileage 4/07

  Tires can help save gas 7/08

 Recycling & disposal
  Oil, batteries, and tires 9/07

 Shopping greener
  Cars: Green buying guide 9/08

  Diesel vehicles
  Biodiesel: A promising blend 6/06

  Cleaner diesels hit the road 5/07

  How alternative fuels compare 5/06

  Ethanol vehicles
  2000-2007 Ethanol-friendly vehicles 12/07

  2008 Ethanol-friendly vehicles 12/07

  E85 vs. gasoline 10/06

  Ethanol: Pros and cons 6/06

  How alternative fuels compare 5/06

  Fuel-cell vehicles
  A long wait for hydrogen 6/06

  Driving the Honda FCX 3/06

  Fuel-cell cars race to reality 3/07

  How alternative fuels compare 5/06

  The ultimate green machine 10/07

  Fuel-efficient vehicles
  Best in class: Fuel-efficient vehicles 4/07

  Cars best in capacity and fuel economy 6/08

  CR Green car guide

  Fuel economy vs. performance 6/08

  Smart car ForTwo 6/08

  The most fuel-efficient cars CR has tested 6/08

  The most fuel-efficient SUVs CR has tested 6/08

  Fueling the future 6/06

  Hybrid vehicles
  A greener Saturn? 1/07

  Guide to future models 5/08

  Guide to today's models 5/08

  How alternative fuels compare 5/06

  Hybrids: Clean machine Q&A 11/07

  Surprising facts about gas mileage 4/07

  The dollars and sense of hybrids 9/06

  The most fuel-efficient cars CR has tested 6/08

  The most fuel-efficient SUVs CR has tested 6/08

  Top Pick 2008: Green Car 3/08

  Toyota Prius Touring: First Drive 6/08

  Two hybrids compared: Toyota vs. Nissan 3/08

  Upcoming hybrid cars, trucks, and SUVS 5/08

  Which hybrids save you money? 10/08

  Natural gas
  Natural gas-powered Honda Civic 4/08

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