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That you can get money back for buying energy efficient appliances.

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The non-Consumer Reports links below have not been reviewed or rated by Consumer Reports. We provide these links to you as an information service. If you experience any difficulties with any of the programs, please send us an email.

Appliance calculators

Calculator to determine the best air conditioner size for your room
Air conditioner sizing calculator

Compare energy consumption between refrigerator models
Refrigerator calculator

Compare energy consumption between washer and dryer models
Washer/dryer calculator

The non-Consumer Reports links below have not been reviewed or rated by Consumer Reports. We provide these links to you as an information service. If you experience any difficulties with any of the programs, please send us an email.

Appliance rebates

Local incentives and resources for energy-efficient appliances for Western Colorado residents
Community Office for Resource Efficiency

Federal and state renewable and energy-efficiency incentive programs
Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy

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Appliance recycling

Appliance recycling and reuse programs searchable by zip code
Earth 911

Refrigerator and freezer recycling and proper coolant disposal information
US Environmental Protection Agency

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Car sharing and commuting

A network of cars to share in urban areas
Car Sharing Network

Connects employers to local commuter options for their employees
Commuter Choice

A free ride share service that connects commuters to carpooling opportunities

Connects travelers so they can share taxis to and from an airport

Fact sheets, maps, locators, and benefits of public transportation
Public Transportation

A national clearinghouse of information related to pedestrians and bicyclists
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

A car-sharing service in urban areas and on college campuses

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Carbon footprint calculators & offsets

Carbon offset provider whose projects include renewable energy and reforestation initiatives

Carbon offset provider whose projects include renewable energy development and watershed restoration
Bonneville Environmental Foundation

Carbon offset provider whose projects include energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives
Climate Trust

Carbon offset provider that features forest-based projects
Conservation International

Carbon offset provider whose projects include renewable energy and farm power initiatives

Carbon offset provider whose projects include renewable energy initiatives
Cool-it Campaign

Link to carbon offset providers that are recommended by Environmental Defense
Environmental Defense

Calculate your carbon emissions at home and on the road
Environmental Protection Agency

Calculate your carbon emissions at home and on the road
National Wildlife Federation

Carbon offset provider whose projects include renewable energy and methane abatement
Native Energy

Carbon offset provider whose projects include farm power and renewable energy initiatives

Calculate your carbon emissions at home and on the road
World Resources Institute

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Cell phone recycling

Cell phone donation and recycling program to benefit charity
Call to Protect

Cell phone donation and recycling program

Accepts cell phone donations to benefit charity
Charitable Recycling

Accepts cell phone donations to benefit charity
Collective Good

Cell phone and equipment recycling and reuse programs searchable by zip code
Earth 911

Cell phone donation and recycling program
Sprint Project Connect

Recycling and reuse programs for cell phones and other electronic equipment
The Electronic Industries Alliance

Cell phone donation and recycling program
T-Mobile Get More, Give More

Cell phone donation and recycling program
Verizon Wireless HopeLine

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Electronics recycling

Electronics recycling and reuse programs searchable by zip code
Earth 911

Electronics recycling, refurbishing and reuse programs

Recycling and reuse programs for various electronic equipment
The Electronic Industries Alliance

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Local and national fish consumption advisories
US EPA Fish Advisories

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Footprint calculators

Estimate how much productive land and water your actions impact
Ecological footprint quiz

Find out how big your ‘water footprint’ is and get everyday water-saving tips
H2O Conserve

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Fuel economy calculators

Find out how your vehicle stacks up with the 40mpg calculator
40 MPG.ORG Campaign

Compare mileage between cars and trucks
CR Fuel Economy Calculator

Comprehensive fuel economy site with various calculators, background information and car comparisons
Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy Fuel Economy Guides

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Fuel-efficient, clean cars

Features Greener Cars site with eco-friendly vehicles, green driving tips and articles on new fuel technologies
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Displays public and private fueling stations that have been independently verified
DOE alternative fueling station locator

An industry association dedicated to the promotion of electric vehicle technology
Electric Drive Transportation Association

Consumer guide to choosing a fuel-efficient, clean vehicle
EPA Green Vehicle Guide

Government source for comprehensive information

Commercial, timely hybrid news site with blogs, forums, and reviews
Hybrid Cars

Consumer buying guide for hybrid vehicles
Hybrid Center

Green car site with top models and technologies
Yahoo Green Cars

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Information and tips for consumers on becoming participants in biodiversity conservation.
American Museum of Natural History Center for Biodiversity & Conservation

Ideas and resources for consumers on sustainable consumption and more
Center for a New American Dream

An online guide to unique and practical green products for everyday needs
Co-op America's National Green Pages

An electronic forum to recycle free unwanted items within communities across the US and around the world

Community driven online resource for all things 'green' in New York City
Green Links

New England guide to healthier living resources and information
Greener Choices

Environmental action organization focused on ensuring a safe and healthy environment
Natural Resources Defense Council

Nonprofit group working to reduce health and environmental impacts of consumer products
Product Stewardship Institute

Redefining Progress works with a broad array of partners to shift the economy and public policy towards sustainability
Redefining Progress

Consumers' top source for environmental and health advice, product reviews and shopping tips
The Green Guide

Nonprofit partnership of scientists and citizens working toward practical environmental solutions
Union of Concerned Scientists

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Global warming basics

Clear and thorough presentation of evidence and impacts
BBC Climate Change Weather Center

Provides science-based overview of global warming myths and facts
Environmental Defense Fight Global Warming Campaign

Provides factual materials on a variety of topics related to global warming
EPA Global Warming site

United Nations sponsored panel that issues reports on global warming
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Comprehensive overview of topics related to global warming
Natural Resources Defense Council

Learn about global warming and how it impacts wildlife and more
NWF Good Neighbor Program

Comprehensive overview of climate change science and policy
PEW Center on Global Climate Change

A university initiative that works with departments and organizations at Tufts and beyond to mitigate climate change
Tufts Climate Initiative

User-friendly coverage of science and solutions
Union of Concerned Scientists

Multimedia information on climate change
Weather Channel One Degree site

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Heating and cooling calculators

Calculate potential saving from heat pump installation
Natural gas. vs. heat pump calculator

Calculate how much money a programmable thermostat will save
Programmable thermostat calculator

The most economical insulation level for your home
Zip-code insulation calculator

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Household energy

Money- and energy-saving tips on home energy use
Alliance to Save Energy

Consumer resource guide to home energy-efficiency
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

A consumer guide to buying energy-efficient products for the home
Consumer Federation of America

Consumer tips on buying energy-efficient appliances and electronics

Suggested home energy-savings projects by zip code
ENERGY STAR Home Advisor

Advice and information about today's home energy choices

Web-based do-it-yourself energy audit tool
Home Energy Saver

Home energy savings and solutions for Massachusetts residents

Overview of renewable energy technologies
Renewable Energy Policy Project

Practical guides with energy-saving tips for homeowners
The Rocky Mountain Institute

Federal energy-efficiency and renewable energy programs and links
US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Network

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Recycling facilities for compact fluorescent bulbs searchable by Zip code
Earth 911

Tips for buying compact fluorescent light bulbs including store locator and product list
Energy Star lighting

Interactive tools to help you decide how to choose the best compact fluorescent light bulb
Environmental Defense CFL site

Offers a directory of state departments with information on where to recycle your compact fluorescent bulbs locally
Lamp Recycle

Tips on using energy efficient lighting at home
Rocky Mountain Institute

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Nationwide directory of stores, farms and restaurants with sustainably-raised meat, poultry, dairy and eggs
Eat Well Guide

Grass-fed meat and dairy resources and product locator
Eat Wild

Nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources
Local Harvest

Organic beef available by mail order
My Natural Beef

Consumer guide to sustainable food resources
Sustainable Table

Flash animation on factory farming
The Meatrix

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Public interest advocates

Environmental health & science advocacy organization
Science & Environmental Health Network

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Renewable energy

Basic information on buying green power in your area
DOE energy efficiency and renewable energy rogram

Voluntarily certified options for switching to renewable home electricity in your state

Rate the environmental impact of electricity generation in your area
Power Score Card

Overview of green power and what consumers need to know
Union of Concerned Scientists clean energy site

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Solar calculators

Estimate energy produced and money saved from solar panels
PV Watts

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Resources for environmental health information related to children
Children's Environmental Health Network

Public health and environmental advocacy nonprofit group
Environmental Working Group

Interactive guides to potentially toxic substances in household products and everyday places.
National Library of Medicine

Get an in-depth pollution report for your county, covering air, water, chemicals, and more.

Searchable U.S. map of toxic Superfund sites and related information.
The Center for Public Integrity

A user-friendly guide to the most frequently asked questions about exposure to hazardous substances.

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