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Greener Choices Home > Global Warming Solutions Center

Global warming solutions
Start saving carbon now
At home
On the road

Welcome to the Consumer Reports Global Warming Solutions Center!

Here you’ll find solutions for improving energy efficiency at home and fuel economy on the road, including tips for buying new appliances and cars that will reduce greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2)—a primary contributor to global warming. You'll also find articles about alternative and renewable sources of energy and fuel, and what government and industry are doing to address global warming.

Today, the United States is the number one contributor to global warming, currently responsible for nearly as much greenhouse gas pollution annually as all of Africa, Central and South America, the Middle East, Japan, and India, combined. As a nation, we can substantially reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels. We already have effective technology and many practical solutions to slow rising CO2 emissions and lessen the threat they pose to future generations.

Your choices have a measurable impact. By using more energy-efficient products at home, driving cars that are fuel-efficient, and increasing the use of renewable energy (for example, wind and solar energy), you can have a positive impact on global warming. And in the U.S., where more greenhouse gases are emitted per person than in any other country, taking control of your emissions is an urgent and important step.

Find out how you can be part of the solution by reducing emissions At home and On the road or check out all the ways you can Start saving carbon now.

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