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Council of Accredited Flower Show Judges

This Council has been affiliated with the National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc. (NCAGC) since 1956. Since it is part of a national organization, members can find judges all over the US who have beentrained in horticulture and design with the same objectives as NCAGC.  Programs at Judges’ Council meetings on design and horticulture keep judges on the cutting edge of flower show activities.

The Council of Accredited Judges also sponsors two very popular teaching programs:

Upcoming Dates:
March 18, 2009 - General Meeting/Installation Luncheon
June 17, 2009 - Picnic
September 16, 2009 - General meeting
January 20, 2010 - General Meeting
March 17, 2010 - General Meeting
June 16, 2010 - Picnic

For information on joining the Council of Accredited Flower Show Judges, please contact

Environmental Council

The newest of the advanced learning councils, Environmental Consultants’ Council is becoming an active contributor to NCAGC’s educational programs.  Although still in its infancy, the Council is already spreading the word about the importance of rain gardening as a cure for protecting and purifying the ground water system in and around the Chesapeake BayIt is focusing on the problem of non-native invasive plants, birds, bugs, and animals and on ways to control them. Programs on preserving our native species and guarding areas where they live help members increase their awareness of dangers to the environment and give solid instruction on how best to reach their goals of preserving and protecting the environment.

Upcoming Dates:

For information on joining the Environmental Council, please contact

Gardening Consultants' Council

The GOALS of the Gardening Consultants’ Council are to stimulate interest in horticulture, offer advanced training, and assist garden clubs in gardening and horticulture excellence. Past programs have been on using worms (yes, worms!) to make compost, growing perfect horticultural specimens, identifying wildflowers, gardening on rooftops, and much more.  The main project of NCAGC’s Gardening Consultants’ Council is helping to maintain Fern Valley, the natural, shady, woodland area at the U.S. National Arboretum.

Upcoming Dates:
January 28 - General meeting (CANCELLED)
February 18 - General Meeting, Arbor House, USNA, 10:30 AM

Gardening Studies Course 3 - May 7-8, 2009  USNA (lower level classroom). 

For information on joining the Gardening Consultants' Council please contact

Landscape Design Consultants' Council

Check out our web page and newsletters!

Begun in 1969 with a membership of 12, the NCAGC Landscape Design Council is now the largest LDC in National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC).  LDC works to promote good landscape design by presenting programs for garden clubs through its Speakers’ Bureau, by conducting Beautification Awards programs for cities and counties, and by assisting community groups with landscaping projects.  The LDC is recognized as a group of earnest individuals devoted to promoting the principles of landscape design and to sharing the love of gardening knowledge with the public. As such, the LDC is welcomed into private gardens and is often given special behind-the-scenes tours of public gardens. Past adventures include:

  • Exploring gardens of Long Island, The Hamptons, Derek Fell’s farm in Pennsylvania, and Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
  • Inspecting McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda, Maryland, on a private guided tour.
  • Visiting the home and garden of U.S. Botanical Garden’s director, Holly Shimizu.
  • Traveling to Maryland’s Eastern Shore for a wetlands expedition of bogs, marshes and swamps.
  • Touring the Historic Delaware ValleyWinterthur, Mt. Cuba, Bartram’s Place and Chanticleer.
  • Studying South Carolina’s Low Country Plantations and Gardens.

    To arrange for a program from the LDC Speakers' Bureau, contact Pat Hanrehan (202) 544-5718.  Check the summer issue of The Capital Gardener for a listing of available programs

Upcoming Dates:

February 11, 2009 - General Meeting
April 8, 2009 - Installation/General Meeting
June 10, 2009 - Picnic

For information on joining the Landscape Design Council, please contact 

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