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Site Policies

Our Privacy Policy

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, of which ODS is a part, does not disclose, give, sell, or transfer any personal information about your visit unless required by law to do so.

The ODS respects the privacy of visitors to the ODS's Web site. We collect a limited amount of information on usage of the Web site for statistical purposes, in order to measure the number of visitors to the various sections of our site and to help us make our site more useful to visitors.

The standard information that is automatically collected and stored about your visit to our Web site includes:
  • The domain name from which you access the Internet. For example, if you connect to the Internet through America Online, the domain name is
  • The name and version of your computer's operating system and browser. For example, Windows 95, Internet Explorer, or Netscape Navigator.
  • The Internet protocol address of the computer you use to access the Internet. An Internet protocol address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you log on to your Internet service provider.
  • The Internet address of the Web site from which you come to our site if you do not directly type in For example, if you come to our site by clicking on an ODS link.
  • The date, time, and duration of your visit to our site, and the pages you visit.

When You Send Us an Email Message

If you choose to provide us with additional information about yourself through an email message, form, survey, etc., we will only maintain the identifying information as long as needed to respond to your question.

Links to Other Web sites from the ODS Website

ODS’s Web site has links to many other sites. The ODS cannot ensure the privacy or security of information you provide to the linked site. For more information, see our
  • Linking Policy

    Public Use Policy

    Most of the information available from this site is within the public domain and unless stated otherwise, may be freely downloaded and reproduced, provided the content has not been changed or modified. When using information from this site, we do ask that you avoid creating the impression that the ODS is endorsing or promoting any particular product or service. At times the ODS site may contain documents or links to documents, such as full-text journal articles that may be copyright protected. Permission to reproduce copyrighted documents may be required.
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    This page was last modified on Monday, August 11, 2008.